Looks good to me.
On 03/31/2016 03:05 PM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
> On 03/31/2016 02:17 PM, Kushal Das wrote:
>>>> Did we ever put a post up on fedmag about this? Can we do one now?
>> No iirc. We may want to do one.
> Hed: Retiring 32-bit Cloud Images
> Body: The Fedora Cloud Working Group has decided to retire the 32-bit
> Cloud images. As of the __ release, we will no longer produce the 32-bit
> images. We will, of course, continue to make 64-bit cloud images available.
> Why are we doing this? We've been producing 32-bit images for years, and
> it's a solved problem, right? Surely it's as easy as "just keep doing
> it," right?
> Not so much. There are several reasons we're retiring them. First and
> foremost, our data suggests that 32-bit images are not that popular.
> That doesn't mean *no one* uses 32-bit images, but the user community
> for 32-bit only seems to be passingly small.
> The second reason is that 32-bit packages and images require their own
> testing. If it was as simple as a little bit of CPU time and disk space
> to produce images, we'd just keep doing it until the number of users hit
> zero. But it has a human cost in terms of time and opportunity lost
> doing one thing when we could do another. So we've chosen to focus on
> 64-bit images, working on making Atomic Host more awesome, and other work.
> If you have questions, feel free to ask in #fedora-cloud on Freenode, or
> ask on cloud@lists.fedoraproject.org.
> # # #
> Thoughts?
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