Hello all,
I was recently discussing some items around docker layered image
release process in the future with Randy (bowlofeggs) and Patrick
(puiterwijk). As a side effect of our discussion there were two
questions I wanted to ask of the Cloud WG:
1) Do we want to maintain docker images for every Fedora Release or do
we want to focus only on latest? (i.e. - do we want to maintain them
like we do rpms or take a different position)
2) Do we want to keep around multiple versions of a container?
For example:
If we had the following images:
One we release to stable 0.95-1.25, can we delete -1.24 and/or
-1.23? What kind of retention do we want here? (Note that rpm content
does not currently maintain a N and N-1 in the repositories)
Thank you,
On thursday night the image builds didn't run because pagure was intermittently down.
For the past 2 nights they have failed to build. I'm not sure why exactly but there is
some libvirt error [1] in the logs.
Dennis has been looking into this for us.
I'm hoping we can an image built to look at before the freeze on Tuesday. If we do get
one I'll post here and ask everyone to give it a spin if they can.
[1] https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org//work/tasks/4430/16254430/oz-x86_64.log