Hi people,

Are we ready to these sessions? Proposed dates are a month from now, so we should be working on them right now :D I have my outline ready, I will probably going to prepare some content to share (maybe some slides or a PDF) for my first session and finishing reading to start the outline of the VIM one that will be shared.

I'm not sure if the channel is ready to log the classes but fedbot is there.

Also, I will make the first draft for the magazine article about this classroom beginning.


2017-05-09 13:15 GMT-03:00 Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com>:
On Tue, 2017-05-09 at 11:41 -0400, Harold Dost wrote:
> That would be awesome. I am looking forward to this!

I've informed @dkaspar who will take the FOSS 101 session to kick off
the initiative of the suggested time line. As soon as he confirms, we
can line up the other sessions - one each week - and begin to work on
the other requirements - marketing/commops etc.


If you have any other ideas, please mail the ML. Also, please actively
keep a look out for more classroom sessions. We'd like to continue at
one session per week. 

PS: bribing community members with beer often gets them to instruct
sessions ;)

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD"


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