Testing Farm release 2023-10.1 is deployed 🎉.

🎮 Upgrades

tmt updated from 1.27.0 to 1.28.2.

Artemis upgraded from v0.0.63 to v0.0.65, see also release notes for v0.0.63, v0.0.64.

Testing Farm CLI tool updated to v0.0.14, please update your installation for the new features to work.

🎯 Highlights

The initial version of the multihost testing is now available. The testing is opt-in and has some limitations. See our documentation for details. Our results viewer has been updated to properly display the test environments and results. Happy experimenting! (TFT-2165)

Request cancellation in Testing Farm is now possible. Use the DELETE method on a request or the testing-farm cancel CLI command to cancel a request easily. (TFT-1696)

The Staging API is now accessible via api.stage.testing-farm.io, offering a preview of our API reimplementation using the FastAPI framework. (TFT-2237)

The order of artifact installation can now be altered, addressing some corner cases when installing various builds simultaneously. (TFT-2172)

🐞 Bugfixes

A bug that prevented the cleanup of resources during pipeline timeouts has been fixed. This was a RHIVOS blocker. (TFT-2312)

Repositories on Beaker boxes have been unified with standard testing images, such as rhel-CRB, etc. (TFT-2228)

An appropriate error message is now returned if a user tries to install a repository artifact that is too large. (TFT-2169)

The stability of Beaker provisioning for ppc64 has been improved. (TFT-2235)

Documented reserved directories used by Testing Farm in the test environment. (TFT-1473)

Non-printable characters are now properly XML-encoded in jUnit XML output. (TFT-2046)

The transition to sentry-python for error reporting on the Sentry platform from our workers is complete. (TFT-2227)

📦️ Packages

List of important packages bundled in the worker image.

❯ podman run --entrypoint rpm quay.io/testing-farm/worker:2023-10.1 -q tmt standard-test-roles ansible-core podman beakerlib | sort | uniq

🔍 Statistics

Testing Farm has passed 700k requests per year \o/

Error rate ~ 3.45% from start of October

~ 68k testing requests in October

Average queue time 30.4s on Public ranch, 53.5s on Red Hat ranch from the start of October.

On the behalf of the Testing Farm Team,

Miroslav Vadkerti :: Senior Principal QE :: Testing Farm / Linux QE
Red Hat Slack :: mvadkert :: #testing-farm #tmt
Fedora Matrix :: mvadkert :: #Fedora CI
Remote Czech Republic :: Red Hat Czech s.r.o