
On Fri, Jan 7, 2022 at 6:43 PM Vít Ondruch <vondruch@redhat.com> wrote:

Hi everybody and sorry for the rant, but I must vent somewhere.

As usual, sorry for the bad experience, I guess the problems boils down to missing proper documentation for the test exposed to the end-user :(

To run it exactly as CI does you would need to run:

   $ cd rpminspect-pipeline
   $ tmt run -e PREVIOUS_TAG=f36-updates -e TASK_ID='79796333' -e RPMINSPECT_PROFILE_NAME=rawhide -e REPOSITORY_URL=https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/ruby -e CONFIG_BRANCH=rawhide -e DEFAULT_RELEASE_STRING=fc36 -e GIT_COMMIT=5d3688479ab299cbd5657f9a503463a04d963d65 -e DEBUG=off

We should expose this information in all `tmt` based tests, sorry it is still not there :( it is this RH issue 

Now why is running rpminspect in CI more complex than just run `rpminspect-fedora OLD_BUILD NEW_BUILD`, I guess that is the question to @Michal Srb or @Cantrell, David ... I do not exactly know

Best regards,

PS: command to run for rpminspect for Fedora is `rpminspect-fedora` not plain `rpminspect`.

So I am preparing updated Ruby package. I know that there is rpminspect executed at some point and the results are available in Bodhi [1]. Therefore, I'd like to execute similar test on my machine prior pushing anything anywhere. So lets give rpminspect a shot:


$ rpminspect
rpminspect: Please specify a configuration file using '-c' or supply ./rpminspect.yaml


Hm, bummer. So how is this configured in Bodhi? Lets look at Jenkins [2]. Hm, nice, but how is it executed? No clue.

So lets try the main task [3]. Ha, console [4], there must be the "rpminspect" command, right? But no, there is non. There is just 11 pages of nonsense.

So looking once again, ok, kubernetes, there is used some container. Lets check what the rpminspect-pipeline stands for, opening its repository [5]. FMF, that sounds familiar, lets open the rpminspect.fmf [6]. Hm, /usr/local/bin/rpminspect_runner.sh, what is that? How can I get it? Ah, there is image repository and the file [7], which as again more then 5 pages of gibberish. There finally some `rpminspect` call on line 155 [8], but then I could continue with localization of the config file.

This is really awful and I suffer every time I have to do something like this. I am really frustrated. I really don't understand, why the command can't be visible as far as at the console [4].

Comparing e.g. with GH actions, I have opened cpython repository for the first time in my life and on 5 clicks, I know the test suite is executed via `make buildbottest TESTOPTS="-j4 -uall,-cpu"`.

Do I want to try to test rpminspect at this moment? No, No, No and no again, because this is not CI, this is just torture. This is so intimidating.

So, would it be so big problem to have the several rpminspect calls which are certainly done somewhere at some point visible on the Jenkins console [4]?



P.S. Once again sorry and please no offense.

[1] https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-62cd39359e

[2] https://osci-jenkins-1.ci.fedoraproject.org/job/fedora-ci/job/rpminspect-pipeline/job/master/61952/testReport/(root)/tests/

[3] https://osci-jenkins-1.ci.fedoraproject.org/job/fedora-ci/job/rpminspect-pipeline/job/master/61952/

[4] https://osci-jenkins-1.ci.fedoraproject.org/job/fedora-ci/job/rpminspect-pipeline/job/master/61952/console

[5] https://github.com/fedora-ci/rpminspect-pipeline

[6] https://github.com/fedora-ci/rpminspect-image/blob/master/rpminspect_runner.sh

[7] https://github.com/fedora-ci/rpminspect-pipeline/blob/master/rpminspect.fmf

[8] https://github.com/fedora-ci/rpminspect-image/blob/master/rpminspect_runner.sh#L155

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