
Testing Farm release 2023-10.2 is deployed 🎉.
This is a release updating to the latest tmt and adding a few bug fixes for issues found after our last release.

🎮 Upgrades

tmt updated from 1.28.2 to 1.29.

🐞 Bugfixes

The multi-host pipeline was fixed to accept the fields role, hardware, kickstart, watchdog-dispatch-delay, and watchdog-period-delay from the provision step in the tmt plan. (MR)

The request cancellation now correctly cancels resources which did not yet finish provisioning. (MR)

The multi-host pipeline was fixed to have easily adjustable tmt logging options. (MR)

All pipelines were fixed to support the skip result outcome introduced in tmt 1.28. (MR)

📦️ Packages

List of important packages bundled in the worker image.

❯ podman run --entrypoint rpm quay.io/testing-farm/worker:2023-10.2 -q tmt standard-test-roles ansible-core podman beakerlib | sort | uniq

On the behalf of the Testing Farm Team,

🧑‍🔧 Miroslav Vadkerti :: Senior Principal QE :: Testing Farm / Linux QE
🎩 Red Hat Slack :: mvadkert :: #testing-farm #tmt
📱 Fedora Matrix :: mvadkert :: #Fedora CI
🌍️ Remote Czech Republic :: Red Hat Czech s.r.o