Hi all,
The IRC meeting minutes tonight are available at the link [1]. Thanks everyone for attending the meeting.
In the meeting we mainly talked about FUDCon APAC 2014 bid tasks, and FPWiki Zh page updates. Please review the proposed ideas and actions.
The next IRC meeting will be held on next Friday (2013-05-10). Please come and join the discussion if you can!
[1]: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-05-03/fedora-zh.2013-05-03-1...
================== #fedora-zh Meeting ==================
Meeting started by alick at 13:14:16 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-05-03/fedora-zh.2013-05-03-1... .
Meeting summary --------------- * 点名 (alick, 13:14:46)
* FUDCON APAC 2014 举办申请 (alick, 13:17:24) * ACTION: alick acquire info about possible host place (alick, 13:34:51) * ACTION: dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host (alick, 13:35:07) * ACTION: endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中 (endle, 13:45:20)
* FPWiki Zh 页面的整理更新 (alick, 13:47:57) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FZUGCommunicate (alick, 13:48:58) * LINK:
http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-04-26/fedora-zh.2013-04-26-1... (alick, 13:51:45) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FZUGCommunicate (alick, 13:52:05) * IDEA: 个人认为,wiki 在刚接触 fedora 的人看来,是最权威的信息。所 以,经由 wiki 推荐的页面,也应当以宁缺毋滥为原则 (endle, 13:55:17) * ACTION: endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链 (endle, 13:59:36) * LINK: http://planet.fedora-zh.org (endle, 14:00:52)
Meeting ended at 14:13:27 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * alick acquire info about possible host place * dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host * endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中 * endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * alick * alick acquire info about possible host place * dongfengweixiao * dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host * endle * endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中 * endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链 * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * alick (68) * endle (36) * dongfengweixiao (31) * zodbot (8) * BadGirl (6) * amos (6) * Robin_cheese_Lee (5) * zsun_symbian (1) * microcai (1) * CyrusYzGTt (0) * gfrog (0) * tiansworld1 (0) * biergaizi (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
昨晚学院有事情,不方便上网. 我看了下log,当时整理交通信息我也是本着宁可详细一点,以便于大家筛选的原则 整理的.因此可能比较冗余. 对于场所问题,我想确认下,都需要咨询哪些方面的事宜?我查阅了渔阳饭店的网站 [1],它们貌似有不同规模的会议室.此外,国家会议中心 [2]的会场种类也比较齐全.
[1] http://www.yuyanghotel.net/ [2] http://www.cnccchina.com/ On 05/03/2013 10:23 PM, Alick Zhao wrote:
Hi all,
The IRC meeting minutes tonight are available at the link [1]. Thanks everyone for attending the meeting.
In the meeting we mainly talked about FUDCon APAC 2014 bid tasks, and FPWiki Zh page updates. Please review the proposed ideas and actions.
The next IRC meeting will be held on next Friday (2013-05-10). Please come and join the discussion if you can!
#fedora-zh Meeting
Meeting started by alick at 13:14:16 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-05-03/fedora-zh.2013-05-03-1... .
Meeting summary
点名 (alick, 13:14:46)
FUDCON APAC 2014 举办申请 (alick, 13:17:24)
- ACTION: alick acquire info about possible host place (alick, 13:34:51)
- ACTION: dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host (alick, 13:35:07)
- ACTION: endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中 (endle,
- FPWiki Zh 页面的整理更新 (alick, 13:47:57)
- LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FZUGCommunicate (alick, 13:48:58)
http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-04-26/fedora-zh.2013-04-26-1... (alick, 13:51:45)
- LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FZUGCommunicate (alick, 13:52:05)
- IDEA: 个人认为,wiki 在刚接触 fedora 的人看来,是最权威的信息。所
以,经由 wiki 推荐的页面,也应当以宁缺毋滥为原则 (endle, 13:55:17)
- ACTION: endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链 (endle, 13:59:36)
- LINK: http://planet.fedora-zh.org (endle, 14:00:52)
Meeting ended at 14:13:27 UTC.
Action Items
- alick acquire info about possible host place
- dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host
- endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中
- endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链
Action Items, by person
- alick
- alick acquire info about possible host place
- dongfengweixiao
- dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host
- endle
- endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中
- endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链
- (none)
People Present (lines said)
- alick (68)
- endle (36)
- dongfengweixiao (31)
- zodbot (8)
- BadGirl (6)
- amos (6)
- Robin_cheese_Lee (5)
- zsun_symbian (1)
- microcai (1)
- CyrusYzGTt (0)
- gfrog (0)
- tiansworld1 (0)
- biergaizi (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
經費主要用作活動餐飲、外來講者住宿和機票;場地和現場 wifi 要是要付錢的話,除非有其他企業贊助不然會很緊絀。
Sent from my mobile device. On 4 May 2013 11:19, "Zamir SUN" zamirs@163.com wrote:
昨晚学院有事情,不方便上网. 我看了下log,当时整理交通信息我也是本着宁可详细一点,**以便于大家筛选的原则 整理的.因此可能比较冗余. 对于场所问题,我想确认下,都需要咨询哪些方面的事宜?**我查阅了渔阳饭店的网站 [1],它们貌似有不同规模的会议室.此外,国家会议中心 [2]的会场种类也比较齐全.
[1] http://www.yuyanghotel.net/ [2] http://www.cnccchina.com/ On 05/03/2013 10:23 PM, Alick Zhao wrote:
Hi all,
The IRC meeting minutes tonight are available at the link [1]. Thanks everyone for attending the meeting.
In the meeting we mainly talked about FUDCon APAC 2014 bid tasks, and FPWiki Zh page updates. Please review the proposed ideas and actions.
The next IRC meeting will be held on next Friday (2013-05-10). Please come and join the discussion if you can!
#fedora-zh Meeting
Meeting started by alick at 13:14:16 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.**org/fedora-zh/2013-05-03/** fedora-zh.2013-05-03-13.14.**log.htmlhttp://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-05-03/fedora-zh.2013-05-03-13.14.log.html .
Meeting summary
点名 (alick, 13:14:46)
FUDCON APAC 2014 举办申请 (alick, 13:17:24)
- ACTION: alick acquire info about possible host place (alick, 13:34:51)
- ACTION: dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host (alick, 13:35:07)
- ACTION: endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中 (endle,
- FPWiki Zh 页面的整理更新 (alick, 13:47:57)
- LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/**wiki/FZUGCommunicatehttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FZUGCommunicate (alick, 13:48:58)
http://meetbot.fedoraproject.**org/fedora-zh/2013-04-26/** fedora-zh.2013-04-26-13.02.**htmlhttp://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-04-26/fedora-zh.2013-04-26-13.02.html (alick, 13:51:45)
- LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/**wiki/Talk:FZUGCommunicatehttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Talk:FZUGCommunicate (alick, 13:52:05)
- IDEA: 个人认为,wiki 在刚接触 fedora 的人看来,是最权威的信息。所
以,经由 wiki 推荐的页面,也应当以宁缺毋滥为原则 (endle, 13:55:17)
- ACTION: endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链 (endle, 13:59:36)
- LINK: http://planet.fedora-zh.org (endle, 14:00:52)
Meeting ended at 14:13:27 UTC.
Action Items
- alick acquire info about possible host place
- dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host
- endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中
- endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链
Action Items, by person
- alick
- alick acquire info about possible host place
- dongfengweixiao
- dongfengweixiao acquire info about CAS as host
- endle
- endle 汇总一下之前IRC中的场地信息,并发到邮件列表中
- endle 清理FZUGCommunicate的死链
- (none)
People Present (lines said)
- alick (68)
- endle (36)
- dongfengweixiao (31)
- zodbot (8)
- BadGirl (6)
- amos (6)
- Robin_cheese_Lee (5)
- zsun_symbian (1)
- microcai (1)
- CyrusYzGTt (0)
- gfrog (0)
- tiansworld1 (0)
- biergaizi (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
-- Zamir SUN zsun@fedoraproject.org IRC: zsun @ #fedora-zh #openshift on freenode.net
-- Fedora中文郵件列表:https://admin.**fedoraproject.org/mailman/**listinfo/chinesehttps://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/chinese
On Sat, 4 May 2013 13:10:13 +1000, Caius Chance wrote:
經費主要用作活動餐飲、外來講者住宿和機票;場地和現場 wifi 要是要付錢的話,除非有其他企業贊助不然會很緊絀。
哦,看来我对经费用途理解有误~ 我们的确有来自高校的组织者,但现在高校里办大型活动不太可能有免费场地。 其他企业的赞助应该考虑争取。目前我们还是先汇集一些基本信息吧。
2013/5/7 Alick Zhao alick9188@gmail.com
哦,看来我对经费用途理解有误~ 我们的确有来自高校的组织者,但现在高校里办大型活动不太可能有免费场地。 其他企业的赞助应该考虑争取。目前我们还是先汇集一些基本信息吧。
嗯, 那先預算一下再看看經費來源.