Thank you Tiansworld,
I did not know that OpenOffice is now libreoffice, and I will install that instead. For ssh, I found that the LiveCD installed version already has it, but I need to do service sshd start to initiate it. Later I found that I need to use systemctl to start and enable these services. I am wondering how I can make these services to initiate at boot. This LiveCD install is very different from previous DVD image install. chkconfig no longer works.
Also, after a couple of hours, I found sshd crashes, and I am not able to connect to that computer through ssh. I feel that sshd is fairly unstable in this LiveCD install, since sshd in Fedora 14 on the same machine is pretty stable for months.
Does anyone using LiveCD installs have the same problem as I do?
Thanks guys!
On 2012-3-11, at 1:17, Shen-En Chen wrote:
Thank you Tiansworld,
I did not know that OpenOffice is now libreoffice, and I will install that instead. For ssh, I found that the LiveCD installed version already has it, but I need to do service sshd start to initiate it. Later I found that I need to use systemctl to start and enable these services. I am wondering how I can make these services to initiate at boot. This LiveCD install is very different from previous DVD image install. chkconfig no longer works.
Also, after a couple of hours, I found sshd crashes, and I am not able to connect to that computer through ssh. I feel that sshd is fairly unstable in this LiveCD install, since sshd in Fedora 14 on the same machine is pretty stable for months.
Does anyone using LiveCD installs have the same problem as I do?
Thanks guys!
I don't think the problem is related to installation method.
Run yum update, it will make all of the softwares up to date. Then try to see whether sshd problem is still there.
于 2012年03月11日 01:17, Shen-En Chen 写道:
Thank you Tiansworld,
I did not know that OpenOffice is now libreoffice, and I will install that instead. For ssh, I found that the LiveCD installed version already has it, but I need to do service sshd start to initiate it. Later I found that I need to use systemctl to start and enable these services. I am wondering how I can make these services to initiate at boot. This LiveCD install is very different from previous DVD image install. chkconfig no longer works.
Fedora now use Systemd instead of old SysV Init scripts. However old service management tools (service, chkconfig) are patched to call systemd to function, so they should work.
For the new syntax using systemd, you are sugguested to have a look at: