Hi all,
The IRC meeting minutes tonight are available at here [1]. Thanks everyone for attending the meeting.
In the meeting we mainly talked about offline gather up in Beijing in March, translation task, FUDCON 2014 bid. The next IRC meeting will be held on next Friday (2013-03-22). Please come and join the discussion if you can!
[1] http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-03-15/fedora-zh.2013-03-15-1...
============================================= #fedora-zh: Fedora Chinese Meeting 2013-03-15 =============================================
Meeting started by alick at 12:01:01 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-zh/2013-03-15/fedora-zh.2013-03-15-1... .
Meeting summary --------------- * 点名 (alick, 12:01:48)
* 翻译 (alick, 12:16:31) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Guide/zh-cn (alick, 12:16:47) * LINK: http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-19/f-19-trans-tasks.html (alick, 12:21:06) * 目前主要任务还是翻译文档和维基页 (alick, 12:23:46) * ACTION: endle will check the l10n progress of UEFI Guide (alick, 12:34:11)
* 三月线下活动(BJGUG 社区联合活动) (alick, 12:36:20) * LINK: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-cn-list/2013-March/msg00020.html (alick, 12:38:22) * 北京GNOME用户组三月活动之开源社区大联盟 (alick, 12:40:45) * 时间: 2013.3.23 13:00-17:00 (alick, 12:40:57) * 地点:朝阳区北苑路13号院1号楼领地OFFICE C座603室 (alick, 12:41:37)
* FUDCON APAC 2014 申办 (alick, 12:51:45) * IDEA: contact kaio, gbraad, and RH Beijing about FUDCON bid (alick, 13:00:53)
Meeting ended at 13:03:11 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * endle will check the l10n progress of UEFI Guide
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * endle * endle will check the l10n progress of UEFI Guide * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * alick (101) * liangsuilong (39) * zsun (22) * BinLi_i (17) * zodbot (14) * endle (13) * gfrog (10) * diseng (7) * microcai (6) * BinLi (5) * BadGirl (4) * qzhou (1) * AndChat|366225 (1) * CyrusYzGTt (0) * gbraad (0) * kingheaven (0)
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