Fedora 社区又一牛人 Mel 女士准备到北京和上海访问,和大陆地区的 Fedora 爱
好者、贡献者们讨论 Fedora 的发展方向以及资源协调,同时 gbraad 也会到场。
关注 Fedora 发展的朋友,这段时间别忘记察看 IRC 频道哦,很多讨论会发生在
同时欢迎到场讨论的同学在 IRC 直播,免去因各种原因无法到场的朋友们的遗憾。
Mel 女士大陆行原文:
I’m about to board a plane to Shanghai – I’ll be in China for a week
devoting my time towards building up Fedora activities and presence in
the region. If you’re in FZUG, in the area, or interested in the region,
please let me know! I will be in #fedora-zh all week (I usually lurk
there anyway) and trying to improve my (very basic) Mandarin skills, but
will probably need a lot of translation help.
This trip was originally supposed to be a POSSE (more on that later) but
that was unexpectedly canceled at the last moment – it’s actually a good
thing, though, because we’ll have more of a chance to get to know what’s
happening in the area.
One area I’m personally interested in is education, mostly at the
college level – for instance, it would be great to see a POSSE (workshop
for professors interested in getting their students involved as
contributors to open source communities) in China sometime in the next
two years, and I would love to talk with people about how we can make
this happen.
However, my first priority on this trip are the Ambassadors and folks
working on the ground for Fedora in the region. How can we do a better
job of getting you resources, how can we get more publicity on Planet
and Ambassadors-list regarding what is happening in the region? Do we
have a lot of packagers, or translators, of $SKILLSET in the region that
we should organize a FAD around? Who should we talk to? Where should we
go? Do people want to meet up for dinner some evening?
In other words, what are Linux users in China passionate about, and how
can Fedora help them? Blank slate.
Kaio 牛的翻译:
我快要登上飞到上海的班机了 – 我将会把在中国一个星期,奉献在建立 Fedora
在中国的活动及普及上。如果您是 FZUG (Fedora 中文用户组)、身在中国、或者
有兴趣的话,请告诉我!我将会整个星期都在 #fedora-zh 上 (其实我早就一直潜
伏在那里了) 并尝试改进我 (非常基本) 的中文水平,大概需要大量的翻译协助。
这次行程本来应该是为了 POSSE (稍后将会更多) 可是没有预料到在最后一刻取消
了 – 最后成了一件好事,因为我们可以籍此机会去了解 Fedora 在中国发生的事情。
我个人对教育很有兴趣,尤其是高中及大学层次的 – 期望 POSSE (教授们鼓励他
们的学生参与开源社区,的工作室) 末来两年内在中国开设,我非常乐意跟大家讨
然而,我此次行程的首要任务是联系 大使们 及其他在国内为 Fedora 付出的朋
友。我们如何在为你们提供资源的时候做得更好?我们如何把 Fedora 在国内发生
的种种,在 Planet 及大使邮件列表上得到更多知名度?我们有没有足够数量的打
包者、翻译者、拥有 [填上有关技术] 让我们组织在各地区举办 FAD ?我们应该
换句话说,中国的 Linux 用户热衷的是什么,Fedora 如何支持他们?毫无头绪。
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