I've updated the dependencies page with the latest status of the RPMs.


The One's that I am building are at the bottom under MySpecs.  They are all checked into a huge ugly project on github:


There are a couple there that can be removed:  aopalliance is covered by JPackage, I think, and the asm3 is covered by objectweb-asm.

Once I get all of them built, the real fun starts: trying to make this whole thing work together.

One quick check I plan on doing is gathering the jars from these files, and comparing to a list of the files composed in the jars inside of candlepin/WEB_INF/lib.  I know that some of the test classes aren't there, as some projects use som rfairly archaic tools for testing, like Acme.Serve.Serve.  Yes, that is a fully qualified java class name. 

There have been a few additional deps that have been added in order to build some of these.

Let me state for the record that Java not having Header files is a bigger pain than I ever realized. 

Of the ones I have left:  teh two rest-easy ones should be easy to medium, as I think I've gotten most of the resteasy deps knowcked out.  jta Is probably pretty easy, as I have the sources for it.  I haven't looked at the The Jackson jars at all.

I did a quick stab at   Hibernate-tools this morning.  Lots of Binary dependencies.  It is probably going to be the worst one.