Time to hand off the ongoing work on buildr and JPackage for Candlepin  here's the deal.

https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=588406  contains the review for rubygem-buildr.  All of the depdencies are in separate RPMs, and are posted for review in bugzilla, as dependencies of this bug.

rubygem-rubyzip is pretty close to complete.  The bug report is here:


The install steps for the other gems are going to look similar.  Most of the code in %install is dealing with rpmlint issues, and has been based on the work done in rubygem-libxml, which was started by .   Matthew's approach is more mature than what I was doing, so I abandoned mine in favor of his.  This gem isn't needed for buildr, but is used in many of the pom2rpm scripts and else where.

If you really want to get Candlepin to build with RHEL5 and Fedora>11, you will prboably need to extract the dependencies out into something that buildfile then includes, as you will need different version numbers for each.  I'd suggest scrubbing the dependency list and seeing if there are some that you can drop.  I suspect that the various methods of doing json should and can be compined into a single approach, and you can drop the other rpms.  I think there is real value in the guice and resteasy rpms, and these will make a valuable addition to Fedora.

Getting Candlepin to build in buildr or even Maven with JPackage is going to take a lot of finesse.  I was able to get successful builds on F12 by building certain RPMS by hand, installing others from JPackage and sometimes forcing something through (rpm -i --nodeps ).  The fewer packages you have to force through this way, the better.

If you can automatically generate a minimal pom.xml file for Mead, that is probably your easiest approach to doing a Koji based build.  While it might be gratifying to make buildr work that way, I'd almost suggest putting that off until you get teh JPAckage issues ironed out.  buildr and JPAckage are related issues, but they can be attacked in Parallel, and might benefit by having multiple members of the team address them, as the overall solution will be better in the long run.

I'll maintain the candlepin and buildr repons on my fedorapeople site for the time being.  Eventually, I'll want to reclaim them.  If they are going to have long tails, please get them moved to the Fedora candlepin website if possible.

Looking forward to Candlepulp.