Dear Friends

                  I am trying to build a custom spin of fedora 12 using pungi, and I am stuck at this error and I couldnt find a roundabout, please help me through it, i am pasting the error from the log

yum.verbose.YumBase.DEBUG: using local copy of xml-commons-apis-1.3.04-3.5.fc12.i686
Pungi.INFO: Finished downloading packages.
Pungi.INFO: Making repodata
Pungi.INFO: Running /usr/bin/repoview --quiet --state-dir /usr/share/odv3/repoviewcache --title "Opendiscovery 3.0 - i386" /home/nandhu/Desktop/3.0/i386/os
Pungi.INFO: Running /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/buildinstall --product Opendiscovery --version 3.0 --release "Opendiscovery 3.0" --bugurl --output /home/nandhu/Desktop/3.0/i386/os --mirrorlist --mirrorlist /home/nandhu/Desktop/3.0/i386/os
Pungi.DEBUG: Running buildinstall...
/tmp/buildinstall.tree.MymJkK /tmp
./anaconda-12.46-2.fc12.i686.rpm already exists and appears to be complete
Building images...
Assembling package list...
Fri Jun 18 01:45:50 IST 2010 Expanding packages...
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: anaconda-mirrorlistrepo-1. Please verify its path and try again
Could not retrieve mirrorlist error was
14: PYCURL ERROR 6 - ""
ERROR: could not install packages
Aborting instroot creation...
Aborting buildinstall
upd-instroot failed

Pungi.ERROR: Got an error from /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/buildinstall
Pungi.ERROR: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: anaconda-mirrorlistrepo-1. Please verify its path and try again

I am happy to provide any other info, but need to solve this

with regards
kala bharath