On 01/30/2015 02:05 PM, Atanas Zhelev wrote:
i'm using external repository with various vendor supplied rpm's in koji. One of those rpm's had it's versioning schema changed and it uses epoch tag now. After regeneration of the build tags koji does not see the new package. It looks like mergerepos ignores the epoch tag. The "old" rpm which actually has a higher version number if epoch is not considered is included instead. Can you offer any advice? Thanks
There is nowhere in koji where newer-nvr automatically wins. This would make it impossible to perform many overrides by tagging. Instead the winner (within koji tags at least) is determined my depth in inheritance chain and how recently the build was tagged.
Also, all builds are handled as a unit, so you will never see mixing of subpackages from two different versions of the same build, even if newest NVR might indicate otherwise.
When koji merges an external repo it tries to be consistent with the the its behavior in the non-external-repo case. In particular,
* koji's package block list is honored by mergerepos * rpms in the external repo are grouped by their srpm and treated as a unit when filtering/merging * only one srpm nvr per package is kept * for packages existing /only/ in the external repo, e:nvr ordering is followed * content within koji trumps the external repo content