Ok, last unsolicited mock email of the day. Really! I promise...
We're currently shipping mock from the mock-0.6 branch of the mock CVS repository. The HEAD (0.7) is the branch that contains the re-architected launcher and the elevate/drop privilege logic. I'm wondering when/how we push the new version of mock out to the world?
My preference would be to wait for FC6 to go gold, then switch over to HEAD and deal with mock breakage at that point. Of course, the complete lack of complaints from all you dedicated fedora buildsys readers probably means that mock-0.7 is perfect in every way, so we probably don't have to worry about that, eh? :)
Anyway, I'd be interested to hear what everyone thinks and I'd like to learn what the mechanism is for implementing it. Is implementation merely telling Jeremy or Jesse what branch to pull from? Or do we have to do more?