I am not able to perform any admin actions on koji server.
fedora 12 x86_64 bit
koji pkgs -
I have configured system till hub setup where we can perform command line actions, and here I am able to connect to server but failed to add user or new tag to koji server.
[kojiadmin@kojiblr ~]$ koji -d list-pkgs
successfully connected to hub
(no matching packages)
[kojiadmin@kojiblr ~]$ koji -d list-tags
successfully connected to hub
[kojiadmin@kojiblr ~]$ koji -d add-tag dist-panthor
successfully connected to hub
This action requires admin privileges
[kojiadmin@kojiblr ~]$ koji -d add-user kojira
successfully connected to hub
This action requires admin privileges
I have added kojiadmin into DB as admin user,
koji=> select * from users;
id | name | password | status | usertype | krb_principal
2 | kojiadmin | | 0 | 0 |
koji=> select * from user_perms;
user_id | perm_id | create_event | revoke_event | creator_id | revoker_id | active
2 | 1 | 5 | | 2 | | t
Can someone point me where missed any configuration that causing me to run an admin commands on koji.
Thanks for the help