Dne 04. 10. 19 v 13:33 Miroslav Suchý napsal(a):
* In 1.5 version I plan to enable bootstrap feature by default. Last blocker was "file:///my/local/path" url in baseurl which was fixed in this 1.4.20 release.
Sorry, but I am against this unless this is resolved:
Also, I think that the bootstrap option to be really useful should be more flexible. It should not be actually bootstrap option but "nested mock" option, which would allow me to build arbitrary chroot. E.g. if there is no YUM (hypothetically) in Fedora I am using, I wan to be able to install some older Fedora where you was via DNF and from that chroot, I should be able to install for example RHEL6 chroot with even older YUM. I don't think this is doable ATM, but I'd love to be proven wrong :-)