No doubt it is a great loss to the group. Leonardo Vaz was the guy who mobilized all who were around him, with the impassioned speech by Fedora or the friendly talk. With him in a little over a year FOSS community learned more than I thought I could. I hope to see you back soon friend.

Claudio Penasio Jr.

2014-05-30 2:49 GMT-03:00 Eduardo Javier Echeverria Alvarado <>:

I hope that you could back to the group in other moment. Meanwhile good luck with your other tasks, bro. You did excellent things as mentor. See you bro

El 30/05/2014 01:11, "Leonardo Menezes Vaz" <> escribió:


Por questões de falta de tempo e também de outras prioridades estou
deixando o Fedora Ambassadors. Nas ultimas duas semanas concluí
algumas tarefas pendentes e aquelas que não tive como resolver foram
repassadas a outros colegas.



Leonardo Menezes Vaz
+55 11 96641 9412

"Not all those who wander are lost"  - J. R. R. Tolkien
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Claudio Penasio Jr.