Única informação "atual" que tenho é a do chefe, Paul Frields.

"Our team has been hard at work for several days now, restoring services
in the Fedora infrastructure. We started with what we identified as
Fedora's "critical path," those systems required to restore minimum
daily operation.  That work to be completely finished by the end of the
day. We then move on to our other value services to complete them as
soon as possible.

Please give the infrastructure team the time they need to do this
demanding work. They have been doing a spectacular job and deserve the
absolute highest credit.

The systems that are now back online and usable include the following:
* Puppet, Xen and FAS hosts
* app1, app3, and app4
* database and proxy servers
* the majority of the Xen guest machines
* serverbeach5, serverbeach4
* Fedora Hosted**

The systems that should be available very soon:
* asterisk1 and collab1
* cvs1
* builders, x86 and ppc
* Fedora People

We know the community is awaiting more detail on the past week's
activities and their causes.  We're preparing a timeline and details and
will make them available in the near future.  We appreciate the
community's patience, and will continue to post updates to the
fedora-announce-list as soon as possible.

= = =
** New SSH fingerprint for Fedora Hosted:

Paul W. Frields, Fedora Project Leader
 gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
 http://paul.frields.org/   -  -   http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/
 irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug"

2008/8/19 RazGriz <hellcomdev@gmail.com>

2008/8/19 Marcellino Junior <marcelljr@gmail.com>

Creio que ainda não. Pelo menos ainda não vi nada dizendo que estava tudo OK.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 12:12 AM, Rafael Gomes <linux.rafa@gmail.com> wrote:

Alguém sabe se já  é aconselhável fazer update?

Até mais!

Rafael Gomes
Consultor em TI
Embaixador Fedora
(71) 8146-5772

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Marcellinux Consultoria

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Marcellino Junior
Marcellinux Consultoria