Conte comigo

Date: Mon, 27 May 2013 22:50:20 -0400
Subject: Re: [brasil-marketing] Latam meeting invitation


Reforçando o convite do Neville, as reuniões dos embaixadores LATAM é uma oportunidade
para você expor suas opiniões, e contribuir diretamente no rumo do projeto na nossa região,
e todos os embaixadores, desde os mais recentes estão convidados a participar.

As reuniões acontecem:

Toda Quarta-feira
18:30 (Horário de Brasilia)
#fedora-meeting @ (sim, foi movido do #fedora-latam).

On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 12:14 AM, Neville A. Cross <> wrote:
Se alguém tem dúvidas sobre essa mensagem, por favor, pergunte na lista
que vários membros da lista pode traduzir

I am using English, because my Portuguese is not that good.

We invite all you to the weekly meeting of latam. Well, this is more a
reminder than an invitation. The latam meetings are every Wednesday at
22:30 UTC are every contributor to fedora project in LATAM is more than
welcome to participate in every meeting... if a time conversion table is
needed ...

Meetings are usually a mixture of languages, some part in Spanish, some
part in Portuguese and we fall back to English when is needed.

The special reminder of this meeting on may 29th is to address a topic
regarding getting an extra mentor for ambassadors in Brazil

The process will be more or less:
1.- LATAM decides to ask or not to FAmSCo for an extra mentor (May 29th)
2.- FAmSCo approves and transmites the request to Mentors Team. (June
3.- Mentors Team invites to a collaborator to become an extra mentor. It
lays on Mentors team to pick. Usually opinion of the local team has a
lot of weight on the decision. There is no schedule for for mentor

This is the actual process. But we are a very flat community and many of
us have part in several teams, so it is not a long process as it may
look as first glance.

Linux User # 473217

brasil-marketing mailing list

Daniel Bruno
Mentor of Fedora Ambassadors on Latin America
Fedora Latin America Infrastructure Team

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