David Ja estou vendo isso. Estou colocando lá no portal novamente a noticia. Lembrando que eu ja tinha feito isso e subimos rapidamente. Espero que ios usuários do portal novamente votem.

2006/9/25, David Barzilay <barzilay@redhat.com>:

Descemos para 16o. Alguém quer dar um gás nisso?


---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
From: "DistroRankings Stats" < webmaster@software.com.pl>
To: barzilay@redhat.com
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 17:00:02 +0200
Subject: Your DistroRankings Weekstats

                ---= THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE, DO NOT REPLY =---

                ***DistroRankings weekstats***

                 Hello barzilay,
                 Welcome to our DistroReminder to provide you overall project's statistics.

                --= Your distro's RATING  &  VOTES =--

                --=  Fedora  =--

                Distro's rating: *** 55.63 ***
                Votes number: *** 468 ***

                which gives it the 16 position in top 100

                news/changes/releases: NONE

                --= Distro's  COMMENTS =--

                Distro's comments count: 10


                ***  Remember !!! ***

                You can submit the news HERE: http://distrorankings.com/news/add/
                - post regular news without login,
                - post news concerning your project after login,

                --= REMINDER =--

                The user is responsible for keeping informations about his distribution actual,
                according to distros' homesites. If the distributions will remain without any news
                although there are some at their homesite, the account might be deactivated
                and given to somebody who will care about keeping it up-to-date.

                DistroRankings.com TEAM

Fedora-mktg-brazil mailing list

Cristiano Furtado dos Santos
Administrador de Sistemas Linux