Pelo que vi, a versão Preview está 100% completa, só peguei apenas 170mb de atualizações, eu acho que já podemos considerar ela como final, pois já temos todos as novidades em 100%. Eu já fiz minha instalação inclusive com o ext4 e estou gostando muito, e com certeza ficou mais rápida do que a versão 10!

Vitor Vilas Boas
Consultor de TI
Linux User: #484274
Cel.: +55 71 8732.1156
Cel.: +55 71 9947.2808

Anderson Marques Ferraz escreveu:
Parece que está tudo ok mesmo.
"Atualização: Segundo Josh Boyer, os DeltaRPMs estarão prontos para o lançamento do Fedora 11. Inclusive, eles já estão sendo criados para as futuras atualizações da nova versão."
"Recently, Paul blogged about the awesomeness that is yum-presto and Deltarpms. I clarified that we weren't quite ready for F11 updates to have deltarpms enabled, but that we were working on it but wasn't sure if we would have the work completed. LWN picked this up, and apparently so did many other blogs and community members.

So today I would like to draw your attention to:

Oh, yeah. That's right. What you see there is indeed deltarpms for the first Fedora 11 updates push. So Paul, you can un-edit your blog post now because we should be ready to go for Fedora 11 GA. We'll probably still have a few hiccups here and there, but the infrastructure is now in place.

I'd like to highlight that Seth Vidal, Luke Macken, and Bill Nottingham were the primary factors to getting this complete. They did the createrepo, bodhi, and mash changes needed. I'm always pleasantly surprised when people care enough to start digging in and fixing an issue they care about.

Fedora 11 is now made of that much more awesomeness."

-- Fedora-users-br mailing list