.xchat2/xchatlogs/FreeNode (formerly OpenProjects.net)-#fedora-meeting.log

**** LOGGEN GESTART OP Wed May 27 19:04:32 2009
*jlaska heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting_channel for meeting schedulemei 27 19:04
*dwmw2 is nu bekend als dwmw2_gonemei 27 19:04
jlaskaokay ... QA folks, sorry for the switch :( ... let's continue this in #fedora-qamei 27 19:04
*stickster_afk is nu bekend als stickstermei 27 19:05
*mbacovsk (n=mbacovsk@ is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:05
biertieok, let's start the fedora-be meeting then mei 27 19:05
biertielet's start with a rolecall?mei 27 19:06
*cyberpear heeft verlaten (Remote closed the connection)mei 27 19:06
biertie.fas biertie mei 27 19:06
zodbotbiertie: biertie 'Bert Desmet' <bert@devnox.be>mei 27 19:06
*benedictus Ben Lambrechtsmei 27 19:07
ChitleshGoorahChitlesh Goorahmei 27 19:07
biertieonly 3 people? :(mei 27 19:08
biertiehmm, okmei 27 19:08
biertielet's start with the agenda:mei 27 19:09
biertie1. the new fedora-be websitemei 27 19:09
biertie2. a fedora-be ral life meetingmei 27 19:09
*linuxguru (n=linuxgur@unaffiliated/linuxguru) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:09
*mcepl (n=mcepl@nezmar.jabbim.cz) heeft #fedora-meeting verlatenmei 27 19:09
biertie3. fedora 11 releasemei 27 19:09
mars_waitmei 27 19:09
mars_i'm here toomei 27 19:09
biertienp :)mei 27 19:09
biertie4. linux-tagmei 27 19:10
biertieand 5. variamei 27 19:10
BouskaPablo Martin-Gomezmei 27 19:10
biertieok, let's start with the first pointmei 27 19:10
benedictuswill the fedora-be be a separate project than fedora-wiki?mei 27 19:11
ChitleshGoorahis it important for the website to be off the fedora-wiki ?mei 27 19:11
benedictusnomei 27 19:11
benedictusI think that is a bad ideamei 27 19:11
mars_to seperate it?mei 27 19:11
biertieyes, we want a separate website, with some basic information about 'who are we', where can you find us and suchmei 27 19:12
benedictusintegrate with the wik is bestmei 27 19:12
ChitleshGoorahhow bad  ?mei 27 19:12
biertieso I think a separate website would be better?mei 27 19:12
mars_i think seperate would be better toomei 27 19:12
mars_if we do not seperate there is no use for itmei 27 19:12
benedictusokmei 27 19:12
benedictuswho will maintain this site?mei 27 19:12
mars_thats what I think :pmei 27 19:12
ChitleshGoorahbiertie: think future. In a few years everyone will be busy with or without fedora developmentmei 27 19:12
biertieI am a web developer, so I can maintain it..mei 27 19:13
ChitleshGoorahbut the maintainance of an off-site website will be a burdenmei 27 19:13
mars_i'm a web developer toomei 27 19:13
*vincentvdk (n=vincent@ip-81-11-175-240.dsl.scarlet.be) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:13
biertiebut I'm not a designer, so I need someone else to create a cool design :)mei 27 19:13
vincentvdkhimei 27 19:13
mars_I do designsmei 27 19:13
benedictusI thinkt design must be as fedora-like as possiblemei 27 19:13
mars_yes I agreemei 27 19:13
biertieyes, I totaly agree with thatmei 27 19:14
mars_people should see the connectionmei 27 19:14
benedictuswho will buy the domain?mei 27 19:14
ChitleshGooraha nice well maintain wiki page is enoughmei 27 19:14
biertiewell, that's the point of a loco site I think?mei 27 19:14
ChitleshGoorahdo we need to use foreign words "loco" :)mei 27 19:15
vincentvdkwe can use a simple CMS like frogcmsmei 27 19:15
benedictusdrupal an joomla! are very nice toomei 27 19:15
biertieChitleshGoorah: but I think a wiki page on fedoraproject.org is invisible for most peoplemei 27 19:15
mars_i've never used any of them so i wouldn't know :dmei 27 19:15
mars_butmei 27 19:15
biertiebenedictus: ik won't use Joomla! ;-)mei 27 19:15
mars_why not?mei 27 19:15
ChitleshGoorahbiertie: why not be.fedoraproject.org ? if fedora infrastructure agrees :)mei 27 19:16
vincentvdkI don't like Joomla eithermei 27 19:16
ChitleshGoorahthe problem is not only for belgium but for ambassadors for other countries toomei 27 19:16
ChitleshGoorahthe chosen solution should be :mei 27 19:16
biertieI think drupal would be a good choiche, but I never worked with that beforemei 27 19:16
ChitleshGoorah- software from the fedora collectionmei 27 19:17
ChitleshGoorah- a solution that ambassadors of other countries can use as well (thus they will use your solutions as example)mei 27 19:17
biertieChitleshGoorah: what software do you suggest then?mei 27 19:17
ChitleshGoorahfor me it is not the software that matters , but the fear that every ambassador around the world will do something elsemei 27 19:18
benedictusWhat will be the language of the sitemei 27 19:19
vincentvdkChitleshGoorah: and what's wrong with thatmei 27 19:19
biertieChitleshGoorah: I know that the next fedora-nl website wil run on drupalmei 27 19:19
biertieChitleshGoorah: they are building a new site toomei 27 19:19
ChitleshGoorahthe fedora ambassador is a project in itself, but the website requires additional work that says : start from scratch everytimemei 27 19:19
biertiebenedictus: I would suggest all the official languages in Belgium?mei 27 19:19
biertieso: English - Dutch - French - German(?)mei 27 19:20
mars_german is an extra i think...?mei 27 19:20
benedictusthat's a lot of translationmei 27 19:20
mars_yes it is....mei 27 19:20
vincentvdkEnglish isn't an official languagemei 27 19:20
vincentvdkin Belgiummei 27 19:20
biertieyes I knowmei 27 19:20
vincentvdkFrench and Dutch will do to start with i guessmei 27 19:21
mars_what about the forums?mei 27 19:21
ChitleshGoorahvincentvdk: is it not about wrong or good. is it about efficient solution that will concentrate on fedora itself and not starting from scratch everytimemei 27 19:21
*sereinity heeft verlaten ()mei 27 19:21
biertieok, I can live with that :)mei 27 19:21
biertiemars_: I don't think we need forums?mei 27 19:21
mars_oh ok...mei 27 19:21
biertieI would aim for a simple websitemei 27 19:21
biertiebut I'm not sure, we can discuss itmei 27 19:21
vincentvdkChitleshGoorah: i understand what you mean, but what's the alternative?mei 27 19:22
mars_i just tought there would be forumsmei 27 19:22
benedictusyou can point to http://fedoraforum.org/mei 27 19:22
mars_yeahmei 27 19:22
vincentvdki would just put some simple static contentmei 27 19:22
mars_no i'd rather not have a forum...mei 27 19:22
ChitleshGoorahvincentvdk: be.fedoraproject.org ? and use fedora infrastructure as much as possible.mei 27 19:22
benedictusbut there is little dutch and frenchmei 27 19:22
vincentvdkbe.fedoraproject.org is fine, but Frederic Hornain was looking into thismei 27 19:23
ChitleshGoorahas far as I recall when I'm in germany the fedoraproject.org is automatically translated into germanmei 27 19:23
benedictushttp://www.projetofedora.org/ is a large country-based fedora sitemei 27 19:23
benedictuswe can learn from it?mei 27 19:24
ChitleshGoorahfedora infrastructure is everything that you need from artist, translators and website adminsmei 27 19:24
mars_lolmei 27 19:24
biertieChitleshGoorah: *language-basedmei 27 19:24
mars_now it thinks i'm in brasilmei 27 19:24
mars_É com enorme prazer que o Projeto Fedora Brasil anuncia que já está disponível para download a 5ª edição da Revista Fedora Brasil.mei 27 19:24
vincentvdkwhat about Belgian meeting reports etc..mei 27 19:24
ChitleshGoorahbiertie: I think the fedoraproject can handle the language basedmei 27 19:24
*Matias_Arg (n=root@host57.190-136-240.telecom.net.ar) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:24
biertiedrupal can too, that isn't really an issue :)mei 27 19:25
mars_what about the hosting?mei 27 19:25
biertiebut my point is: I am new to Linux, and I heard about fedoramei 27 19:26
biertiemars_: I can provide hosting + domain namemei 27 19:26
vincentvdkto me the fedoraproject website is one big pile of infomei 27 19:26
vincentvdki have already an account on my hosting servermei 27 19:26
biertieI don't care about 15euro's / year, and I need to buy the hosting ether way :)mei 27 19:26
vincentvdkjust waiting for the domainmei 27 19:26
biertiebut ok, I am a newbiemei 27 19:26
mars_i'm going to get a hosting toomei 27 19:26
mars_from one.commei 27 19:26
mars_one of these daysmei 27 19:27
biertieI think I would get scared about fedoraproject.orgmei 27 19:27
mars_what do you mean?mei 27 19:27
biertiejust too much information toghetter mei 27 19:27
biertieI think we need a basis website, with the possibilty to contact personsmei 27 19:27
biertiein stead of searching trough tons of information?mei 27 19:27
mars_yesmei 27 19:27
ChitleshGoorahthat is why I recommend http://be.fedoraproject.org so that you can have your own main page with less pain and long term maintainancemei 27 19:28
mars_easy to find articles.... about fedora and usage n stuffmei 27 19:28
mars_hmm....mei 27 19:28
mars_i'd like that toomei 27 19:28
biertieChitleshGoorah: I'm not sure, but if you use be.fedoraproject.org, don't you need to use the mediawiki then?mei 27 19:29
mars_ohmei 27 19:29
mars_isn't it just a domain name?mei 27 19:29
vincentvdkone.com ??mei 27 19:29
mars_its a hostmei 27 19:29
ChitleshGoorahbiertie: you will need to ask fedora-website what solutions they can providemei 27 19:29
vincentvdki know themmei 27 19:29
vincentvdki'm a hoster myselfmei 27 19:29
mars_ohmei 27 19:29
mars_nicemei 27 19:30
mars_:pmei 27 19:30
vincentvdkhosting is no issue, but ChitleshGoorah talks about using the fedoraproject inframei 27 19:30
ChitleshGoorahI have seen several kubuntu german website born, die reborn die die. I don't want any fedora local website suffer from thismei 27 19:30
benedictustime to move to next point ?mei 27 19:30
biertiehehe, my host is openminds.be/mei 27 19:30
biertieso ok :)mei 27 19:30
mars_okmei 27 19:31
vincentvdkit doesn't matter to me where the website residesmei 27 19:31
biertieChitleshGoorah: that could happen to a be.fedoraproject.org too, I think? :)mei 27 19:31
mars_if be.fedor... is going to use the same wiki as the mother-site then we'd rather have a differant domainmei 27 19:31
biertieI want to pay for the domain :)mei 27 19:31
mars_I like ur frog :pmei 27 19:31
vincentvdkfrog?mei 27 19:32
biertieso that isn't a problem :)mei 27 19:32
mars_on openminds.bemei 27 19:32
mars_:pmei 27 19:32
vincentvdk:)mei 27 19:32
vincentvdkit's not my frogmei 27 19:32
ChitleshGoorahthe thing is this website problem every other local team will encounter in the futuremei 27 19:32
vincentvdkbut back on topicmei 27 19:32
biertieso what will we be doing then?mei 27 19:32
ChitleshGoorahso the best solution is the one that can be taken as examplemei 27 19:32
vincentvdki actually can't believe that an open source project wants to pull everything to one placemei 27 19:33
ChitleshGoorahthink for fedora-20 timeframe :)mei 27 19:33
vincentvdklolmei 27 19:33
ChitleshGoorahvincentvdk: centralized platform is what fedora is doing since the beginningmei 27 19:33
vincentvdkChitleshGoorah: OK, how can we use a belgian "subsite" on fedoraproject?mei 27 19:34
biertieI think I should check that at #fedora-websites..mei 27 19:34
ChitleshGoorahfedora-website is reponsible for everything  concerning websites and fedora hostingmei 27 19:35
ChitleshGoorahanything goes wrong, blame them :)mei 27 19:35
vincentvdk:)mei 27 19:35
biertieok, I'll ask them, ant we decide on what we will be doing the next meeting?mei 27 19:35
vincentvdkfine for memei 27 19:36
vincentvdkbut i've got a feeling we're not getting anywheremei 27 19:36
biertievincentvdk: well yeah, I have the same feelingmei 27 19:36
ChitleshGoorahit is true, but at the same time is it a problem every fedora local team will encountermei 27 19:36
biertiebut now I want to be sure what is possible with be.fedoraproject :)mei 27 19:36
vincentvdki see a lot of people here that like the idea, and want to put some effort in itmei 27 19:36
vincentvdkbut at the same time we can't continuemei 27 19:37
vincentvdkvery strangemei 27 19:37
mars_so lets move on to the next subject and we'll talk about this next time when we know more?mei 27 19:37
vincentvdkokmei 27 19:37
vincentvdkwhat's the next issuemei 27 19:37
biertiewell, I hava drupal site now I you want to know: http://dev.devnox.be/fedora-be/draft/mei 27 19:37
ChitleshGoorahmove to te next topic, we can live without the website for some days right ?mei 27 19:37
biertieyou can play a bit arround there, if you register with a fedoraproject.org e-mail, I'll make you admin :)mei 27 19:38
mars_we can trymei 27 19:38
biertieok, next point then:  a fedora-be real life meetingmei 27 19:38
ChitleshGoorahwait one problemmei 27 19:38
vincentvdkChitleshGoorah: speakmei 27 19:39
ChitleshGoorahthe only reason I would move outside fedoraproject domain is when the contents will refer to forbidden items mentioned on the wiki.mei 27 19:39
mars_is thmei 27 19:39
mars_oopsmei 27 19:39
ChitleshGoorahso the contents  do matter.mei 27 19:39
mars_what do you mean forbidden items?mei 27 19:40
*lfoppiano (n=lfoppian@fedora/lfoppiano) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:40
benedictusother distro's?mei 27 19:40
biertieso a basic tutorial about how to set up rpm-fusion or something can not be done on fedoraproject.org?mei 27 19:40
ChitleshGoorahhttp://fedoraproject.org/wiki/ForbiddenItemsmei 27 19:40
ChitleshGoorahno not yetmei 27 19:40
mars_thats a big list :pmei 27 19:41
ChitleshGoorahthis is among the reaons why fedora france has their own websitemei 27 19:41
biertiewell, I would choose for an own site then...mei 27 19:41
mars_yesmei 27 19:41
mars_me toomei 27 19:41
benedictusyes, own sitemei 27 19:41
mars_we're not alloud to talk about nvidia gfx cards eithermei 27 19:42
vincentvdkfine for me, but i think you wan't get support from fedoramei 27 19:42
*fhornain (n=fhornain@fwcirb.irisnet.be) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:42
benedictusbut i don't like the multilanguage-character of itmei 27 19:42
vincentvdkfhornain: hi Fredericmei 27 19:42
fhornainHellomei 27 19:42
biertiehello fhornain :)mei 27 19:42
benedictushttp://www.fedora-fr.org/ is already a good french sitemei 27 19:42
fhornainSorry again for the delay.mei 27 19:42
mars_i'd rather have it in dutch too but we have to face it... that people talk frenchmei 27 19:42
benedictusso why make a new french sitemei 27 19:42
*couf (n=bart@fedora/couf) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:42
mars_as for fedora-frmei 27 19:42
*che (n=che@redhat/che) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:43
mars_fedora-nl is a good one toomei 27 19:43
biertiebut I won't find your name on fedora-nlmei 27 19:43
ChitleshGoorahhence belgian is divided hahahamei 27 19:43
biertieI idea is to bring fedora-be really to the peoplemei 27 19:43
*Sparks_Meeting is nu bekend als Sparksmei 27 19:43
*couf excuses for being way too latemei 27 19:43
moixsI'm jumping in, but fedora-fr is already the central hub for FR, BE, CH and Canada for every french speaking guymei 27 19:43
benedictusI think focussing on language-groups creates better informationmei 27 19:43
moixsthere is no real point in creating yet another sitemei 27 19:43
vincentvdkhi coufmei 27 19:43
biertiehi couf mei 27 19:44
mars_hi coufmei 27 19:44
mars_hmm....mei 27 19:44
mars_so if we drop french there is no usemei 27 19:44
ChitleshGoorahmoixs: in the case of belgium it complicates due to the language similarities with neighboursmei 27 19:44
mars_?mei 27 19:44
moixsI'm Swiss, we have the same problem than you with FR, DE and IT spoken in the countrymei 27 19:44
benedictusso I support a small multi-language site that points to the most basic information and point to the larger language-based sitesmei 27 19:45
moixsResult: there are fedora webites corresponding to languages, not countriesmei 27 19:45
vincentvdkbenedictus: i agree with youmei 27 19:45
moixsSounds more reasonablemei 27 19:45
vincentvdkubuntu-be has the same problemmei 27 19:45
vincentvdknl -> Netherlandsmei 27 19:45
vincentvdkfr -> Francemei 27 19:45
*Matias_Arg heeft verlaten ("Leaving.")mei 27 19:46
biertievincentvdk: yes, I know, but I think ubuntu-be is a good example about how the fedora-be site should look like?mei 27 19:46
vincentvdkbut if you write something about a belgian happening/meetingmei 27 19:46
vincentvdkwhere to put it?mei 27 19:46
mars_you have a point theremei 27 19:46
fhornain+1 with vincentmei 27 19:46
mars_i think...mei 27 19:46
mars_we need the belgian sitemei 27 19:46
ChitleshGoorahvincentvdk: hence be.fedoraproject.org is the solutionmei 27 19:46
moixsIn each case, it has to go on the fedoraproject events page :pmei 27 19:47
mars_if we want to intoduce people in belgium to fedoramei 27 19:47
ChitleshGoorahpoint to local community websitesmei 27 19:47
mars_news articles and stuff about belgiummei 27 19:47
vincentvdkcan we all agree on be.fedoraproject.orgmei 27 19:47
ChitleshGoorahsuch fedora-nl or fedora-frmei 27 19:47
*openpercept heeft verlaten (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))mei 27 19:47
*mcepl (n=mcepl@nezmar.jabbim.cz) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:47
mars_the domain doesn't realy matter to memei 27 19:48
mars_but the content doesmei 27 19:48
mars_i didn't like that little black-list they hadmei 27 19:48
biertiebut posting news and such is difficult on a wiki -I think-mei 27 19:48
fhornainJust need to let Belgian local people know that Fedora is there !mei 27 19:48
vincentvdkfhornain: +1mei 27 19:48
fhornainDon't reinvent the wheel!mei 27 19:48
ChitleshGoorahmars_: they had ? who is "they"?mei 27 19:48
mars_lolmei 27 19:48
mars_they have :pmei 27 19:49
mars_fedoraproject :pmei 27 19:49
ChitleshGoorahmars_: we are fedoraprojectmei 27 19:49
mars_yes i know...mei 27 19:49
mars_i didn't mean it like thatmei 27 19:49
mars_:pmei 27 19:49
mars_ mbacovsk mbonnet mcepl mether mishti mizmo mmcgrath moixs mxcarron mei 27 19:49
biertieI understand you mars_ ;)mei 27 19:49
mars_i just dont like the blacklist of subjectsmei 27 19:49
vincentvdkman, at the moment we look like the government :)mei 27 19:49
mars_nice :d:dmei 27 19:49
*josedamiangarrid heeft verlaten ("Leaving.")mei 27 19:49
*openpercept (n=openperc@fedora/openpercept) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 19:49
biertiewell yeah, I don't like that blacklist too, it's so easy to make a mistake then.. mei 27 19:50
vincentvdkso everyone agrees that we want to put content on it specific for Belgium?mei 27 19:50
mars_yesmei 27 19:50
biertievincentvdk: yesmei 27 19:50
benedictusyesmei 27 19:50
fhornain+1mei 27 19:50
vincentvdkok, next thingmei 27 19:51
ChitleshGoorahthe forbidden items can go the fedora-fr or fedora-nl so it does not affect fedora commitmentsmei 27 19:51
vincentvdkokmei 27 19:51
vincentvdkso, what are we allowed to do from fedoramei 27 19:51
vincentvdkcan we register an own domain?mei 27 19:51
moixsyesmei 27 19:51
benedictusP2  ==> where and when can we meet in real life?mei 27 19:51
fhornainNope !!!mei 27 19:51
mars_why nope?mei 27 19:52
fhornainDo you have fill the document vincent ?mei 27 19:52
*ChitleshGoorah notifies Champions League final is about 40 mins :)mei 27 19:52
vincentvdkabout the domain : postponed to next meeting ?mei 27 19:52
fhornainCause we have to request the Fedora domain to Fedora Board.mei 27 19:52
moixsChitleshGoorah: I think everyone is waiting on it :pmei 27 19:52
ChitleshGoorahfhornain: +1, due to fedora trademarksmei 27 19:53
fhornainVincent has to fill the question sdocumentmei 27 19:53
vincentvdkfhornain: i'm working on itmei 27 19:53
vincentvdkbut the last weeks i've been living between servers :)mei 27 19:53
biertiehehe :)mei 27 19:54
fhornainI was busy toomei 27 19:54
vincentvdkbut i have some topicsmei 27 19:54
fhornainMaybe you can delegate it.mei 27 19:54
vincentvdkand today i've seen some more thingsmei 27 19:54
vincentvdkmaybe a wiki somewheremei 27 19:54
vincentvdkthat everyone can edit?mei 27 19:54
fhornainBTW, last meeting we talked about a summer event for Belgian Fedora Guys.mei 27 19:55
vincentvdkwhat about Real Live Meetmei 27 19:55
fhornainAre you interested ?mei 27 19:55
vincentvdkfine for memei 27 19:55
biertiewhat do you mean with a summer event?mei 27 19:55
fhornainNo have time, but I will do the invitation asap.mei 27 19:55
benedictusatm, I don't think a real-life meeting is nescesarrymei 27 19:55
vincentvdki think something for the Belgian ambassadorsmei 27 19:56
fhornainConviviality ???mei 27 19:56
ChitleshGoorahI can't promise it depends where i will be in the futuremei 27 19:56
biertiebenedictus: no, not nescesarry, but it would be cool to get to know each other in real life? :)mei 27 19:56
vincentvdkbiertie: +1mei 27 19:56
benedictusyesmei 27 19:56
mars_yesmei 27 19:56
mars_but i dont know if i could make it ...mei 27 19:56
mars_i'm having a hard time making it to these online meetingsmei 27 19:56
fhornainOk send me place proposals ...mei 27 19:56
fhornainBxl ???mei 27 19:57
vincentvdkwhat is the most central pointmei 27 19:57
mars_leuven?mei 27 19:57
vincentvdkfor all of usmei 27 19:57
benedictusAntwerpmei 27 19:57
biertieGhent / Antwper / Brussel / Leuven / bruggemei 27 19:57
biertie*Antwerpmei 27 19:57
mars_where is everybody from?mei 27 19:57
mars_i'm from bilzenmei 27 19:57
vincentvdklolmei 27 19:57
benedictusAntwerpmei 27 19:57
biertieI'm from Ghentmei 27 19:57
vincentvdksomewhere around Bxl is finemei 27 19:57
*moixs is from Brugge, originally :pmei 27 19:57
biertiecouf: is also from around Ghentmei 27 19:57
vincentvdki could pick up someonemei 27 19:57
ChitleshGoorahbenedictus: you are in Antwerp ?mei 27 19:57
benedictusSchotenmei 27 19:57
benedictusis near Antwerpmei 27 19:58
ChitleshGoorahI'm in Antwerpmei 27 19:58
vincentvdkmaybe somewhere between Bxl and A'penmei 27 19:58
fhornainBrugge is the middle point, isn't it ?mei 27 19:58
benedictushahamei 27 19:58
mars_lolmei 27 19:58
biertieso 2x Antwerp, 2xGhent, and 2xBxl (or Leuven)mei 27 19:58
vincentvdkno, Buggenhout ismei 27 19:58
biertievincentvdk: haha :Dmei 27 19:59
vincentvdkthat's where i livemei 27 19:59
vincentvdk:)mei 27 19:59
vincentvdkMechelen?mei 27 19:59
vincentvdkit has a train stationmei 27 19:59
mars_what about me :p bilzen:pmei 27 19:59
mars_hasseltmei 27 19:59
vincentvdkfor people who use public transportmei 27 19:59
vincentvdkow, Limburg :)mei 27 19:59
benedictusI use trainmei 27 19:59
biertiemars_: ach lol, I thought you were from Leuven ^^mei 27 19:59
biertiebenedictus: me too :)mei 27 20:00
ChitleshGoorahtrain +1 :)mei 27 20:00
mars_no but i think next year from septembermei 27 20:00
biertieso the central meeting point should be somewere around a stationmei 27 20:00
mars_train +1mei 27 20:00
vincentvdkbiertie: so it seemsmei 27 20:00
*kital (n=Joerg_Si@fedora/kital) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-meetingmei 27 20:00
ChitleshGoorahMechelen or still brussels is the perfect hub I thinkmei 27 20:00
vincentvdkwhere in Bxl?mei 27 20:01
vincentvdkto many people theremei 27 20:01
biertiethat doesn't really matter -yet-mei 27 20:01
vincentvdkbut it's fine by meemei 27 20:01
vincentvdkme*mei 27 20:01
fhornainGare Centrale ?mei 27 20:02
biertieI like Ghent more, but I central for the flemish area, but the people from wallonie...mei 27 20:02
vincentvdkGhent is also finemei 27 20:02
biertie*But I -> it ismei 27 20:02
vincentvdkto me it doesn't mattermei 27 20:02
*EvilBob heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar: Fedora-BE Meeting - Subject: Face to Face Meeting?mei 27 20:02
fhornainOk for Ghentmei 27 20:02
*biertie has to sleep more, he can't even speak decent english anymore -_-mei 27 20:02
vincentvdkGhent Okmei 27 20:02
benedictusGent okmei 27 20:02
biertieGhent OKmei 27 20:03
mars_too far for me :(mei 27 20:03
vincentvdkmars where do you live?mei 27 20:03
mars_ mbacovsk mbonnet mcepl mether mishti mizmo mmcgrath moixs mxcarron mei 27 20:03
mars_near hasseltmei 27 20:03
ChitleshGoorahon mars lolmei 27 20:03
mars_hahamei 27 20:03
vincentvdkmmmmei 27 20:03
biertiemars_: I'll pay you a beer if you come ;-)mei 27 20:03
mars_i thinkmei 27 20:03
mars_:omei 27 20:03
vincentvdki'll pay one tomei 27 20:03
Bouskatoo far for me toomei 27 20:03
vincentvdkso you have 2 good reasons to come overmei 27 20:03
mars_if everyone pays me a beermei 27 20:03
mars_i wont be able to go homemei 27 20:04
biertiehaha :Dmei 27 20:04
fhornainWhere do you live Bouska ?mei 27 20:04
mars_i wanted to say: its better if you guys just choose the spot without taking me in consideration... because the change that i'll be able to come is very small...mei 27 20:05
Bouskafhornain: Brussels (and more precisely Uccle)mei 27 20:05
vincentvdkGhent thenmei 27 20:05
fhornainBouska: Me toomei 27 20:05
biertieBouska: Ghent is only half an hour away with the train, so... :)mei 27 20:05
fhornainWe can go to ghent together.mei 27 20:05
mars_ mbacovsk mbonnet mcepl mether mishti mizmo mmcgrath moixs mxcarron mei 27 20:06
vincentvdkcan we agree on location?mei 27 20:06
fhornain+1mei 27 20:06
biertieyesmei 27 20:06
Bouskabiertie: well, I don't take the belgian train very oftenmei 27 20:06
benedictusyesmei 27 20:06
mars_i like the new ones (h)mei 27 20:07
biertielolz :)mei 27 20:07
vincentvdkso Ghent it is?mei 27 20:07
fhornainWhen ?mei 27 20:07
fhornainJune or July ?mei 27 20:07
vincentvdkmaybe we've to create a doodlemei 27 20:07
vincentvdkJuly for memei 27 20:08
biertievincentvdk: +1mei 27 20:08
benedictusdate is not a big isue for me (mostly)mei 27 20:08
fhornainFor my part, I do not care. So Ok for julymei 27 20:08
*EvilBob heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar: Fedora-BE Meeting - Subject: Face to Face Meeting - Location Vote, Ghent - Date Suggestion, Julymei 27 20:08
ChitleshGoorahbiertie: Damien Durand is no longer with us now.mei 27 20:09
ChitleshGoorahI mean he is still alive. but not left fedora and opensource communitymei 27 20:09
*tatica is nu bekend als tatica-outmei 27 20:09
vincentvdkOk for Julymei 27 20:09
ChitleshGoorahI will be in Switzerland in Julymei 27 20:10
biertieChitleshGoorah: I just e-mailed everybody I could find with the tag: ambassador-belgiummei 27 20:10
vincentvdkAugust?mei 27 20:10
Bouskaif it's in july, i could come I thinkmei 27 20:10
biertiefrom now on I'll only mail to the mailing list, so :)mei 27 20:10
ChitleshGoorahbiertie: I will ask to kital to clean him upmei 27 20:10
*tk009 heeft verlaten (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))mei 27 20:10
biertieChitleshGoorah: okmei 27 20:10
kitalgot it - we clean up the inactive ones soonmei 27 20:11
EvilBobChitleshGoorah: To clarify you will be unavailable the entire month of July?mei 27 20:11
ChitleshGoorahEvilBob: I will be available with online means such as emails, package updates etc..mei 27 20:12
vincentvdki'll write a little report about this meetingmei 27 20:12
mars_congémei 27 20:12
EvilBobChitleshGoorah: So unavailable for a meetmei 27 20:12
ChitleshGoorahyesmei 27 20:12
fhornainFor my part, it will be nice if this summer meeting will be plan on Mon, Thu, Wed, Tue evening.mei 27 20:13
*EvilBob heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar: Fedora-BE Meeting - Subject: Face to Face Meeting - Location Vote, Ghent - Date Suggestion, Needs Discussionmei 27 20:13
*RodrigoPadula heeft verlaten ("Saindo")mei 27 20:13
vincentvdki'll make a doodlemei 27 20:13
biertievincentvdk: ok :)mei 27 20:13
fhornainFirst week of July ?mei 27 20:13
*linuxguru heeft verlaten (Connection timed out)mei 27 20:14
vincentvdkfirst week is ok i guessmei 27 20:14
biertieI'm not sure yet, I have to check with my vacation jobmei 27 20:14
vincentvdkin the eveningmei 27 20:14
biertieI won't say how much I work ^^mei 27 20:14
mars_:pmei 27 20:14
fhornainOops, I have to leave... Could you post the discussion on the Fedora Ambassadors mailling list ?mei 27 20:14
vincentvdkokmei 27 20:15
fhornainThxmei 27 20:15
*EvilBob heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar: Fedora-BE Meeting - Subject: Face to Face Meeting - Location Vote, Ghent - Date Suggestion, Needs Discussion and time to check schedulesmei 27 20:15
fhornainBye, bye *mei 27 20:15
biertiefhornain: I'll post it to the fedora-be mailing list :)mei 27 20:15
biertiefhornain: byemei 27 20:15
fhornainThxmei 27 20:15
mars_bye;)mei 27 20:15
fhornainSee you soon.mei 27 20:15
vincentvdki've to leave tomei 27 20:15
mars_ohmei 27 20:15
mars_bye 2 u toomei 27 20:16
mars_bye 2 u toomei 27 20:16
vincentvdkbiertie: you post it then?mei 27 20:16
biertiehmm okmei 27 20:16
biertieyes, okmei 27 20:16
biertieI'm logging the meeting so ok :)mei 27 20:16
vincentvdkok, bye everyone !mei 27 20:16
*fhornain heeft verlaten ("Leaving")mei 27 20:16
EvilBobGoing to try for other topics in your agenda?mei 27 20:16
mars_yesmei 27 20:16
mars_:dmei 27 20:16
biertiewell, with the fedora 11 release comming up, I just want to know, are there events planned?mei 27 20:17
biertieI can't give an event now, because of *exams*mei 27 20:17
mars_it would be nice to have something for the releasemei 27 20:17
*EvilBob heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar: Fedora-BE Meeting - Subject: F11 Release Events?mei 27 20:17
mars_damn yeah me toomei 27 20:17
mars_examsmei 27 20:17
biertiebenedictus: ?mei 27 20:18
benedictusI think organizing an event is more for fedora12-release ;o) then we have time to think about itmei 27 20:18
mars_ok ...mei 27 20:18
biertiecheck! mei 27 20:18
biertieand no exams ;-)mei 27 20:18
mars_maybe then we can all work on itmei 27 20:18
*moixs heeft verlaten (Remote closed the connection)mei 27 20:18
biertiemars_: +1mei 27 20:18
biertiebut ok, that's for later then..mei 27 20:19
biertieI guess there won't be an event in belgium then, for F11?mei 27 20:19
benedictusnot with me in itmei 27 20:19
biertieit's a shame, but ok :)mei 27 20:19
biertiewe'll do better with F12 ;-)mei 27 20:19
mars_cant wait lolmei 27 20:20
benedictusF12 rocks ;-)mei 27 20:20
biertiehehe :)mei 27 20:20
*SgtDitt (n=SgtDitt@ip68-224-89-6.lv.lv.cox.net) is binnengekomen bij #fedora-Meetingmei 27 20:20
mars_okmei 27 20:20
mars_whats next? :dmei 27 20:20
biertienext topic: are there still people here that go to linux-tag?mei 27 20:20
*EvilBob heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar: Fedora-BE Meeting - Subject: LinuxTag, June 24-27, 2009mei 27 20:20
benedictusI am notmei 27 20:20
mars_linux tag? :smei 27 20:20
biertiebelgan people then ^^mei 27 20:20
biertiemars_: !mei 27 20:21
biertielinux tag + fudcon!mei 27 20:21
mars_:(mei 27 20:21
EvilBobhttp://www.linuxtag.org/2009/be.htmlmei 27 20:21
mars_thnxmei 27 20:21
mars_ooh sounds nice...mei 27 20:21
mars_but again... cant go... :pmei 27 20:22
biertieso, if you want to come, it's just after my exams, we can travel toghetter? :)mei 27 20:22
biertieach, okmei 27 20:22
mars_maybe next yearmei 27 20:22
*biertie has the feeling he will be the only belgian fedora ambassador theremei 27 20:22
mars_when i'm in leuven :Dmei 27 20:22
benedictusyes, maybe next yearmei 27 20:22
biertiehooray for leuven ^^mei 27 20:22
mars_yeahmei 27 20:22
mars_hooraymei 27 20:22
biertieso you are still in college <what is the correct english term?>mei 27 20:23
mars_college i guessmei 27 20:23
mars_my last year....mei 27 20:23
biertiecool :)mei 27 20:23
mars_hopefullymei 27 20:23
biertiehehemei 27 20:23
biertienever worrie ^^mei 27 20:24
EvilBobhttps://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxTag_2009 <-- Fedora Infomei 27 20:24
mars_it sucks that they never try to teach the students linux :(mei 27 20:24
mars_they have a vista coursemei 27 20:24
biertiewhat do you study at school then?mei 27 20:24
mars_made us buy a bookmei 27 20:24
mars_informaticabeheermei 27 20:24
mars_informatics?mei 27 20:24
biertieach lol yeah... ^^mei 27 20:24
biertiebut it's difficult for me too, to convince my teachers to try linuxmei 27 20:25
EvilBobthere was a 5th agenda Itemmei 27 20:25
biertieare there any other varia points?mei 27 20:25
mars_yes sam heremei 27 20:25
mars_i tried but nopemei 27 20:25
biertieI guess notmei 27 20:25
biertieso I want to close this meetingmei 27 20:26
biertieI want to thank all people that have joined this meeting :)mei 27 20:26
mars_yeah that'll be a goodmei 27 20:26
*EvilBob heeft het onderwerp gewijzigd naar: Channel is used by various Fedora groups and committees for their regular meetings | Note that meetings often get logged | For questions about using Fedora please ask in #fedora | See http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting_channel for meeting schedulemei 27 20:26
mars_i gotto make a fast callmei 27 20:26
biertieand EvilBob for edititing the titlemei 27 20:26
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