
thank you for sending the english version too..

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 9:43 PM, Kevin Thiels <pda.thiels@gmail.com> wrote:
English version:

Hi everyone,

A short question:
What do you think we should have on the Belgian Fedora site? (Of course we are already integrating "What is fedora", "etc...")

* site: multi language support (development in english, then we ( I ) 'll translate it to dutch and french and maybe german if we find a german contributor. 
* I would propose a map, where we can tag the contributors on (city level, not street leven), with a link to their fedora-profile (on the fedora wiki?) and a link to   their own website, if they have one, and maybe a short bio?
* a calendar with all big Fedora related events (fudcon's, fad's) + all main belgian (benelux?) events where fedora people will be attending and or manning a booth
*  maybe interlinking: user x is going to event y ? (but that might be hard, I'm not used to drupal, and what possibilities different modules have)
* link to the official fedora download page
* things I forget?
Another bigger question is:
Who's good at doing what? And who wants to join the development?
I want to help you with development.. I can come to brussels if we want to do things together, and we need a git repo on a central server, if we want to join forces. (I'm looking to Vincent for this?)
but I'm sorry, I suck at designing..

If I'm not mistaking, we could sure use some designers for banners, custom logo's etc..

You can reply here.

Kevin Thiels

Belgian Fedora Ambassador

On 15-jun-2010, at 21:05, Kevin Thiels wrote:

> Hallo iedereen,
> Hierbij een korte vraag:
> Wat vind jij dat er op de Belgische Fedora site allemaal moet staan? (Uiteraard voorzien we al reeds "wat is fedora",".....")
> Een andere grotere vraag hierbij is:
> Wie is goed in wat? En wie wil helpen met het development?
> Als ik me niet vergis kunnen we zeker nog designers gebruiken voor banners, custom logo's, etc...
> Reply gerust hierop ;-)
> MvG,
> Kevin Thiels
> Novitsh
> Belgian Fedora Ambassador