I was trying to run Penumbra Overture and getting this error:
[Nirjhor@localhost PenumbraEp1]$ ./penumbra ulimit -c unlimited open /dev/[sound/]dsp: No such file or directory ./penumbra: line 9: 17309 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ./penumbra.bin "$@" Penumbra exited unexpectedly, please check /home/Nirjhor/.frictionalgames/Penumbra Overture/Episode1/hpl.log for any error messages Also try running ulimit -c unlimited And re-running Penumbra and try and recreate the error then submit the generated core file or stack trace
This is the hpl.log:
-------- THE HPL ENGINE LOG ------------
Creating Engine Modules -------------------------------------------------------- Creating graphics module Creating system module Creating resource module Creating input module Creating sound module Creating physics module Creating ai module Creating scene module --------------------------------------------------------
Initializing Resources Module -------------------------------------------------------- Creating resource managers Misc Creation --------------------------------------------------------
Initializing Graphics Module -------------------------------------------------------- Init low level graphics Setting video mode: 800 x 600 - 32 bpp Init Glee...OK Setting up OpenGL Max texture image units: 32 Max texture coord units: 8 Two sided stencil: 1 Vertex Buffer Object: 1 Anisotropic filtering: 1 Max Anisotropic degree: 16 Multisampling: 1 Vertex Program: 1 Fragment Program: 1 NV Register Combiners: 1 NV Register Combiners Stages: 8 ATI Fragment Shader: 0 Creating graphic systems Creating Renderer2D Renderer2D created Creating Renderer3D Load Renderer3D gpu programs: Extrude Diffuse Fog Creating fog textures: Solid Additive Alpha init sky box Renderer3D created Creating screen buffers size 800.000000 : 600.000000 Creating programs RendererPostEffects created Adding engine materials --------------------------------------------------------
Initializing Sound Module -------------------------------------------------------- Initializing OpenAL. Trying to open audio device...
I believe it's with sound. Any help on how to fix it?