Q1. Did u install Fedora using KDE Live CD?
Q2. Did u enable rpmfusion (3rd party repo)?

Now whatever ur answer is, type:
yum install firefox evince gedit --skip-broken

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:46 PM, Junayeed Ahnaf Nirjhor <zombiegenerator@gmail.com> wrote:
Today I´ve tried to install evince,firefox,chromium & gedit but all end up in
this line. After the download completes this error is shown:

rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) is needed by gstreamer-0.10.24-1.fc12.i686

itś showing for every dependencies. Iǘe manually tried to install rpmlib but
no success. there is no package by the above name.

What to do now?

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