Thank you for the information!

On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 9:30 PM Justin W. Flory <> wrote:
On 3/17/20 10:49 AM, Priyanka joti wrote:
> hello,Myself priyanka I am a student of 3rd year computer science engg.
> And I have lot of interest in to design badges .But, i have no idea  how
> to contribute in fedora as a designer please anyone help me

Hi Priyanka, welcome to Fedora Badges! 👋🏻 Happy to have you here.

Have you seen the "Join Badges community" guide yet? There is some
guidance on how to get started with Fedora Badges and how to set up the
design tools needed to work on Fedora Badges:

Don't forget to join the IRC channel or Telegram group (they are bridged
together, so you can choose the messenger that is convenient for you).

Once your Inkscape environment is set up, look at the Badges tickets
tagged as "artwork - needed". If nobody is assigned yet, you can start
working on the Badge design.

Hope this helps! If you have any other questions or want to chat, ask
here on the mailing list or in IRC/Telegram. :) See you around!

Justin W. Flory (he/him)