Hello Sergio,

thanks for stepping in, the Python packages are yours now (all of them are either astropy dependencies or affiliated packages).


Am Fr., 29. Dez. 2023 um 17:22 Uhr schrieb Sergio Pascual <sergiopr@fedoraproject.org>:
Hello Christian, I also want to thank you for your work and wish you luck in your future projects.

I can take all remaining dependencies of astropy as well as any python package. Christiano, we can co-maintain any python package you are interested in.

Best regards, Sergio

El vie, 15 dic 2023 a las 20:04, Christian Dersch (<lupinix.fedora@gmail.com>) escribió:

Hi Mattia,

On 15/12/2023 09:22, Mattia Verga wrote:


I have been updating it lately, so I'd happy to take that.

Gave the package to you.

libfli (required by indi-fli driver)
This can be retired, as it has been replaced by indi-3rdparty-libfli (from indi-3rdparty-libraries).


Happy to take those as well, if no one steps up before.

Both are yours now :) Thanks for stepping in!

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