On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Andrew Burgess aab@cichlid.com wrote:
On 12/23/2010 01:11:18 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
are you sure the fp arg style is a kernel issue? are there system calls that take floats (not in structs or arrays but as a single argument)?
From all the documentation about it seems so. You need to remember there's a lot of mainline distros (and I'm not talking about small embedded ones) looking to move to arm7 + hardfp but none that have yet done so. There's lots of notes and people that have done customer recompiles etc for testing and eval purposes but none that have actually done it yet across the entire mainline distro to run everything from apache to gnome.
I guess I'm determined to learn all the dirty details here :-) Do you know of better places to research this than the fedora-arm list archives?
Google? :-P
But from some of the links that I've found or people have pointed out on #fedora-arm
http://wiki.debian.org/ArmHardFloatTodo http://cygwin.com/ml/libc-ports/2009-04/msg00020.html http://www.linux-archive.org/debian-dpkg/395698-armelfp-new-architecture-nam...
There's also some details on both the MeeGo and Linaro wiki's that cover the direction that Ubuntu and MeeGo are taking.