Sorry for all the mailing list email spam (along with my internal team emailing habits). I'm sure you're all tired of hearing from me about this but I wanted to post anyway. I tried using a v7hl builder to make a v6hl buildroot with the pkgs I built. It seems to chroot inside of it ok but when I take a rasp pi sd card and replace the rootfs on it I get :: Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! I took a blurry screen shot of it here:

Anyway, I have a bad feeling that I messed up the builds I've done for the rasp pi. I think it may have been because I didn't use the armv6hl glibc/gcc pkgs when building the other pkgs afterwards so maybe gcc put in the wrong op codes or machine code instructions/translations during compile time? I'm not sure at all how compilers work and whether or not v6 assembly can be generated with a v7 compiler? I'm a bit lost and I'm pretty much just guessing at this point but whatever, there's not much I can do I'm assuming, heh... I gave it my best shot and tried anyway :/ :S