Thanks for the reply.
On 21/02/15 09:54, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:

On 20 February 2015 at 15:50, Robert Brown <rebrown@exemail.com.au> wrote:
Wanted to try an exfat 64 GB drive on Rawhide 3.19.0-0.rc7.git3.1.fc22.armv7hl and did:
wget http://repo.pratik.to/rpmfusion/free/fedora/development/rawhide/armhfp/debug/exfat-utils-debuginfo-1.0.1-2.fc21.armv7hl.rpm
and then:
sudo rpm -i exfat-utils-debuginfo-1.0.1-2.fc21.armv7hl.rpm

That is a debuginfo file which is for debugging an existing application not using the application. Do a dnf install exfat-utils
I get

No package exfat-utils available.
Error: Nothing to do.
and same with yum install exfat-utils
but got:
warning: exfat-utils-debuginfo-1.0.1-2.fc21.armv7hl.rpm: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID 6446d859: NOKEY

That is because rawhide items aren't signed (the NOKEY)
Is exfat supported at this stage?

No idea.
So I guess the answer is no atm.

Thanks for your help.