Am 04.05.21 um 13:39 schrieb Peter Robinson:
For those that are interested here is the write up for getting
Pinebook Pro running Fedora:

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Hello together,

I've managed to get Fedora on my Pinebook Pro.
Here are my steps:
- flash firmware as described by Peter
- reboot
- arm-image-installer --media=/dev/sda --resizefs --target=none --image=Fedora-KDE-34-1.2.aarch64.raw.xz
on 2 USB-Sticks
- reboot
- interrupt the autoboot countdown in u-boot and enter "run bootcmd_usb0" (thanks to Dan Horak)
- boot and configure first USB-Stick
- reboot
- boot and configure second USB-Stick
- with second USB online copy first USB-Stick to EMMC
dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/mmcblk2 bs=4M status=progress
- reboot without any USB-Stick from EMMC
- resize BTRFS Filesystem
- install firmware for WIFI as described
- customize installation

Whats missing:
- working with installed NVME-disc (PCIe-support needs to be fixed)
- Bluetooth isn't working
- Sound (internal speaker + headphone) isn't working
- Subjective perception : KDE is working faster with X11 than Wayland

Thanks to all people involved in getting Fedora on Pinebook Pro, special to Peter Robinson
