We are pleased to announce the release of Fedora 13 ARM Beta3. This release includes additional software not found in Beta2, most notably Abiword for your word processing needs. Unfortunately at this time we are not able to offer OpenOffice due to some issues with java packages ( java experts we could use your help! ).

A new root file system compose is available for download – http://scotland.proximity.on.ca/fedora-arm/beta/f13/rootfs-f13-beta3-2011-05-10.tar.bz2

The latest repository – http://arm.koji.fedoraproject.org/mash/beta/f13-arm-2011-05-10/f13-arm/arm/os/

We are again asking for feedback as we prepare for a final compose of Fedora 13 for ARM, and put all our efforts behind Fedora 14. Feedback can be forward to us via the mailing list – arm@lists.fedoraproject.org.