Greetings and good morning,
As a new member to the mailing list I am experiencing a situation that I
would like to share. I hope some one more knowledgeable than I can
provide a solution.
After a flawless Fedup to Fedora 21 LXDE I installed celestia and whilst
using, I noticed very high cpu activity with rising temperatures. This
problem was also apparent in F20. In fact any video activity seemed to
cause inordinate excitement!
On an inspiration I booted into the live os, installed celestia and
attempted the same experiment. Cpu activity was very sedate and more in
keeping with what one would expect.I tried these steps, switching the
installed and Live, a number of times with the same results. I have
DuckDuckgoed and Googled but could find no similar experiences. Having
lost my Fedora forum password and not finding a way to retrieve it(maybe
someone could suggest a way!), this seemed an alternative.
I hope someone has an inspiration that can lead me to a better
understanding of the OS.
Thank you.