Hello Fedora Ambassadors of ANZ,
My name is Cheryn, and I've just recently joined Red Hat. I'll admit that I'm fairly new to Linux, so I'm constantly inspired by the passion displayed by people like yourselves in advancing FOSS development.
As I'm sure you know, linux.conf.au (LCA) will be held in Brisbane next year from 24-29 January (for more details hop on to http://lca2011.linux.org.au/) Red Hat will be making our presence felt with seven speakers/ mini-conference organisers at the event.
We're also planning to have a stall showcasing Fedora during Open Day on Saturday, 29 January. We've proposed several activities, including an OLPC display, a 'Live USB Creator' session, a raffle draw, general QnA about Fedora/ Red Hat etc. We're also looking into organising swagbags with Fedora cheat cubes, badges etc, based on designs from the Fedora marketing collateral.
Are any of you Ambassadors planning to attend the event? It would be wonderful if we could get your assistance on the stand on Saturday, as you would be the ones best suited to promote Fedora and field questions from the public. It will also be a great opportunity to meet other people from the FOSS community.
Alternatively, if you can't make it to the conference, I would also love to hear your ideas for the stall. Any form of contribution will be highly appreciated.
And finally, one of my colleagues Lana Brindley who's organising the Haecksen mini-conference on Monday 24 January is looking for one or two lightning talks. So if you know of any female Fedora folk who would like to speak at the mini-conf about women in IT please direct them to unicorn(a)haecksen.net.
Thank you for all your help.
Best regards,
Cheryn Tan
Content Author
Engineering Content Services
Red Hat Asia Pacific
Brisbane, Australia
Phone: +61735148326
Mobile: +61401562796
Already did... :) If you look at where the email came from.... Btw, I
think it best the list should be renamed to ANZ.... NZ has a lot of
potential as well from end user perspective. I did a presentation here
at my uni and the response was good... :)
Kind Regards
Jose M Manimala
GPGkeyID: 1BE49F39
Yeah, This has been a long time coming. My name is Jose. I am a
masters student at otago university in Dunedin NZ. I have been working
with fedora since 2007 and am a contributor to the Infrastructure and
websites team. :)
Kind Regards
Jose M Manimala
GPGkeyID: 1BE49F39