We're about 2 months away from FUDCon Berlin and LinuxTag, and it's time to give the community a few reminders and details.
LinuxTag --> June 24 - 27
FUDCon Berlin --> June 26 - 28
Both events are being held in the same location, and FUDCon is OPEN TO EVERYONE, regardless of whether or not you are a Fedora user or contributor.
Please pre-register for the event. This is the only way to guarantee free entry (because a LinuxTag ticket is required, and we will have enough for all pre-registered) as well as a FUDCon tshirt.
Please register for the hotel, if you need it.
Travel from Tegel airport to the hotel is trivial, as is travel from the hotel to Messe Berlin, where FUDCon and LinuxTag is being held.
Tuesday, June 23 - Thursday, June 25
Fedora will be at LinuxTag, which is at the same location as FUDCon. For more information, see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LinuxTag2009
Most FUDCon attendees will want to arrive on Thursday at the latest, since FUDCon starts on Friday morning.
Friday 26 June
* Normal day of LinuxTag. * Day 1 of FUDCon Berlin 2009, starting precisely at 10:00 AM. * Fedora Social Event at En Passant in Sevignyplatz
Saturday 27 June
* Final day of LinuxTag. * Day 2 of FUDCon Berlin 2009, starting precisely at 10:00 AM.
Sunday 28 June
* Day 3 of FUDCon Berlin 2009, starting precisely at 10:00 AM.
The detailed schedule for each day of FUDCon is here:
We also need people to continue to sign up for BarCamp and hackfest sessions, here:
Thanks, Max