The Fedora Unity Project is proud to announce the release of new ISO Re-Spins of Fedora 10.
These Re-Spin ISOs are based on the officially released Fedora 10 installation media and include all updates released as of April 14th, 2009 (saving about 650MB in updates on a default install).
The ISO images are available for i386, x86_64, PPC architectures via Jigdo and or Torrent starting Tuesday April 21st, 2009.
Go to to get the bits!
Removed Groups in x86_64 and PPC
With this spin, we have had to remove a few package groups (and default packages for other groups) to ensure the distribution fits onto a single DVD. This is the case for x86_64 and ppc. See for an exact list.
PPC Re-spins
PPC isos are being released marked **UNTESTED**, Please Test and give us feedback, Thanks to
We would like to give a special thanks to the following for testing this Re-Spin:
- zcat Jason Farrell - vwbusguy- Scott Williams - Southern_Gentleman Ben Williams - kanarip Jeroen van Meeuwen - fenrus2 Dennis Johnson - Harley-D Dana Hoffman Jr - sgodsell Sean Godsell - cyberpear James Cassell
Testing Results
A full test matrix can be found at
Fedora Unity has taken up the Re-Spin task to provide the community with the chance to install Fedora with recent updates already included.
This is a community project, for and by the community. You can contribute to the community by joining our test process.
Go to to get the bits!
Assistance Needed
If you are interested in helping with the testing or mirroring efforts, please contact the Fedora Unity team.
Contact information is available at or the #fedora-unity channel on the Freenode IRC Network (
To report bugs in the Re-Spins please use