Hello everyone! The Campaign period for FESCo, Council and Env and Stack Elections is now open. We will also have an email interview with all answers published simultaneously on June the 22nd.
= FESCo [1] = We will be selecting four seats on FESCo. Currently we have 6 nominees: * Stephen Gallagher IRC Nick: sgallagh FAS: sgallagh * Haïkel Guémar IRC Nick: number80 FAS: hguemar * David King IRC Nick: amigadave FAS: amigadave * Josh Boyer IRC Nick: jwb FAS: jwboyer * Dennis Gilmore IRC Nick: dgilmore FAS: ausil * Germano Massullo IRC Nick: Caterpillar FAS: germano
= Council [2] = We will be selecting one seat on Council. Currently we have one nominee: * Langdon White IRC Nick: langdon FAS: langdon
= Env and Stacks [3] = We will be selecting five seats on Env and Stacks. Currently we have 6 nominees: * Honza Horak IRC Nick: hhorak FAS: hhorak * Jens Petersen IRC Nick: juhp FAS: petersen * Stuart Campbell IRC Nick: sicampbell FAS: sic * Václav Pavlín IRC Nick: vpavlin FAS: vpavlin * Jan Kaluza IRC Nick: jkaluza FAS jkaluza * Nick Coghlan IRC Nick: ncoghlan FAS ncoghlan
Elections schedule: * June 08-14: Nomination period open * June 15-21: Campaign period * June 22-28: Voting open * June 29: Results announcement
Regards, Jan
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Development/SteeringCommittee/Nominations [2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council/Nominations [3] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Env_and_Stacks/Nominations
-- Jan Kuřík