To blink or not to blink: that is the question; Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous users, Or to take arms against a see of power drains. And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep; No more: and by a sleep to say we suspend.
Ok enough of that. The Fedora project is proud to present the availability of Fedora 11 (Leonidas) Alpha. Now is the time to test, now is the time to improve.
The Alpha release provides the first opportunity for the wider community to become involved with testing Fedora 11 by way of Rawhide:
Alpha represents a sanitized snapshot of rawhide, Fedora's development branch, which undergoes rapid changes before becoming the next major release. * The Alpha should boot on the majority of systems, and provides: * A look at what new features are to be included in the next release * A way to provide feedback and bug reports to help ensure that the next release is as good as possible
For information about what new and wonderful things Alpha brings us, please check out the release notes:
What to test
Test status is being tracked here:
Check out this page before reporting problems, including looking through the bug trackers as linked on that page.
Get the Alpha
(Please bear in mind that our mirrors are still picking up the permission change and you may get a few permission denied messages while this happens this morning)
Join Fedora
To find ways you can help and participate, visit: