An event named "Geek" was organized by "Tech Shiksha Institute" on Sunday, 5 May 2013, in Seminar Hall of Hotel Chandra Inn, Jodhpur, Rajashtan.
Mr. Aaditya Maheshwari [1], was the chief guest of the day. The day started with "Introduction to F/OSS" by Mr. Aaditya Maheshwari in which more light was thrown on the difference between Free Software and Open Source Software. He also told the audience about FSF Foundation [2] and GNU/Linux [3], which was followed by "Why Open Source is necessary ? " for development.
After a short break, I started with "Introduction to Fedora" in which I told them about the Fedora OS and Fedora Project. Then, I told the audience about the communication guidelines which is required in "Free Software Communication" with the help of "i-want-2-do-project-tell-me-what-2-do-fedora" [4]. I also told them about the different "Fedora Sub-Projects" [5] in which they can contribute. We had a Q/A session in the end where various queries of the the attendees were answered. The photos taken during the event are available on my blog [6].
Thanks, Navneet Singh
[1] Mr. Aaditya Maheshwari. http://en.gravatar.com/aaditya025 [2] FSF Foundation. http://www.fsf.org/ [3] GNU/Linux. http://www.gnu.org [4] i-want-2-do-project-tell-me-what-2-do-fedora. http://www.shakthimaan.com/downloads.html#i-want-2-do-project-tell-me-wat-2-... [5] Fedora Sub-Projects. http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Projects [6] Blog and Photos. http://navneetsingh06.blogspot.in/2013/05/geek.html