Hello there,
This is today's weekly meeting reminder. - 2007-03-29 14.00 UTC - #fedora-meeting on freenode
All ambassadors are recommended to attend, especially those who are preparing events listed on http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents.
I take the opportunity as well to remind ambassadors to post their reports here in the Fedora Ambassador Meeting after any of their events.
The another role of fedora ambassadors is also to bring feedback from the ground.
regards, Chitlesh
Hello there, you can have the transcript here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings/2007-03-29?action=AttachF...
Presentees: #ChitleshGoorah #JeroenVanMeeuwen #MaximeCarron #XavierLamien #JohanCwiklinski #ArmelKermorvant #JamesBenWilliams #MohdIzharFirdaus #HanafiahMuhamad
I've noticed that during the last 5 weeks, those ambassadors who have events signed to their name don't report their progress during the meetings.
Indeed everyone is busy in their real life, however the Fedora Events' review is made for the next 3 months, i.e about 12 weeks.
regards, chitlesh