Hello Everyone,
Greetings. :)
FYI on QA/Fedora 19 test days. :) ======================================================== QA/Fedora 19 test days at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Fedora_19_test_days - 2013-05-07 ABRT (Automated Bug Reporting Tool) fedora-qa ticket#3642013-05-09 SSSD Improvements and AD Integration fedora-qa ticket#3522013-05-16 Network Manager fedora-qa ticket#3382013-05-21 Beta Release2013-05-21 AnacondaNewUI Followup fedora-qa ticket#3792013-05-23 Thermostat fedora-qa ticket#3542013-05-28 Virtualization fedora-qa ticket#3462013-05-30 Spice fedora-qa ticket#3652013-06-06 FreeIPA Two Factor Authentication fedora-qa ticket#362========================================================For me, I find the "SSSD Improvements and AD Integration" on 2013-05-09 at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2013-05-09_SSSD_Improvements_and_AD_... to be useful for me to try out. :)========================================================Share with those who may be interested as well as try yourself in order to try out some new Fedora 19 Features!!! :) Sending positive Fedora energy to all your computers now. :v) Please have a Great Fedora day and weekend! :~)
Thank You
- David -
David Ramsey
一石二鳥 いっせきにちょう
One stone; two birds.
To kill 2 birds with 1 stone. =
Fedora Project's Japan & Maryland Ambassador dramsey@fedoraproject.org * http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dramsey With sixteen (16) x86_64 computing cores, 80 GB of RAM and eight SATA Seagate 7200.12 - 500 GB harddisks. With sixty-four (64) x86_64 computing cores, 256 GB of RAM and 1TB harddisks. The system definitions are at the following URL: * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dramsey#Using_embedded_code_have_updates...