Meeting ended Fri Mar 18 01:45:21 2016 UTC. Minutes: Minutes (text): Log:
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====================== #fedora-meeting: FAmNA ======================
Meeting started by jflory7 at 00:56:21 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * === FAmNA Roll Call === (jflory7, 00:56:29) * award3535 is not able to make it to tonight's meeting (jflory7, 00:58:11)
* === Announcements === (jflory7, 01:05:13) * (1) Fedora was accepted as an organization for Google Summer of Code 2016. Fedora will be accepting applications from students around to world to hack on a variety of different projects in Fedora. This is a great opportunity to help mentor some younger folks getting into Fedora. If you know any students who might be interested, pass along the word! (jflory7, 01:06:24) * LINK: (jflory7, 01:06:26) * (2) The talk submission deadline for Flock 2016 is April 8th. If you are planning on submitting a talk, make sure to get it in before the deadline. (jflory7, 01:07:21) * LINK: (jflory7, 01:07:23) * (3) 5 Things in Fedora This Week: mattdm's weekly series is back, with some info about Fedora Objectives, Wayland and Fedora 24, Flock talk deadline, Heroes of F23 Beta, and an analysis of whether conferences actually bring new contributors in. (jflory7, 01:08:46) * LINK: (jflory7, 01:08:48) * (4) The Fedora 24 Alpha Go/No Go meeting was held today, with the decision being that F24 Alpha is a NO GO. The team is meeting again next week to make the decision again if the blocking bugs are resolved. (jflory7, 01:09:33) * LINK: (jflory7, 01:09:37) * (5) In addition to the Go/No Go meeting, the F24 Readiness meeting was also held today, where all of the different sub-projects give a report about their progress in F24 and if there is anything blocking the release. (jflory7, 01:10:17) * LINK: (jflory7, 01:10:19) * Work is being done on Talking points for F24 for us as ambassadors (linuxmodder, 01:12:54)
* === Tickets === (jflory7, 01:15:55) * LINK: (jflory7, 01:16:05) * LINK: (jflory7, 01:16:46) * ACTION: jflory7 Close Ticket #142 after the meeting (jflory7, 01:17:34) * AGREED: Ticket #142: Ticket can be closed, wiki page also updated to show nb as a mentor for FAmNA (jflory7, 01:17:56) * ACTION: jflory7 Follow up with decause in email about Ticket #143 (jflory7, 01:21:10) * Ticket #143: jflory7 is going to follow back up with decause to work on closing the ticket (jflory7, 01:24:37) * Ticket #119: masetrax is working with Red Hat folks about the boot setup, and where Fedora + CentOS people will fit into the space. If anyone in the community wants to give a talk at OSCON, please contact masta. (jflory7, 01:27:13) * ACTION: masta Update Ticket #119 with any new details about OSCON 2016 (jflory7, 01:28:00) * ACTION: jflory7 Remove Ticket #123 from the meeting agenda until there are definite new details to share (jflory7, 01:29:33) * Ticket #123: No new updates to share now about Campus Ambassador refresh, but watch mailing list over the upcoming week for new changes (jflory7, 01:30:33) * Ticket #139: Everything looking good for Bitcamp. kk4ewt shipping event box near April 1st, linuxmodder can receive items (last minute only) as a local, jflory7 might be changing transportation from bus to car (jflory7, 01:35:40)
* Open Floor (jflory7, 01:37:22) * masta has the Event Box for the US Central region (jflory7, 01:38:47)
Meeting ended at 01:45:21 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * jflory7 Close Ticket #142 after the meeting * jflory7 Follow up with decause in email about Ticket #143 * masta Update Ticket #119 with any new details about OSCON 2016 * jflory7 Remove Ticket #123 from the meeting agenda until there are definite new details to share
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * jflory7 * jflory7 Close Ticket #142 after the meeting * jflory7 Follow up with decause in email about Ticket #143 * jflory7 Remove Ticket #123 from the meeting agenda until there are definite new details to share * masta * masta Update Ticket #119 with any new details about OSCON 2016 * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * jflory7 (125) * linuxmodder (30) * masta (27) * zodbot (26) * kk4ewt (19) * mikedep333 (9) * cydrobolt (8) * cedwardsmedia (6) * masetrax (0)
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