
2016-04-07 20:43 GMT+07:00 Zamir SUN <zsun@fedoraproject.org>:

On 04/07/2016 09:31 PM, Joerg Simon wrote:
Am 07.04.2016 um 14:38 schrieb Gerold:
shouldn't that been taken from the APAC budget and not from EMEA, in
general? Thought EMEA budget is still limited and also without a proper
planning für that fiscal year

IIRC, sponsorship for APAC people to FLOCK is taken from APAC budget. So I think sending EMEA people into events in India(or any other parts out of EMEA) should be from EMEA budget.

 The amount in the budget plan of APAC is the same as EMEA has. As on Flock mostly only speakers get sponsored, EMEA started to reserve a small sum of their budget to help good contributors to go there and since last year APAC does the same.

When kital travels to India, it helps the community in India growing, so the effect is on APAC side note EMEA. Why comes there always from APAC side, this eeh this is ours. EMEA never showed this kind of behavior, they helped very fast Tenzen Shokden eg with booking his flight ticket to travel to APAC FAD or they never came, when LGM was in Europe eh LATAM pay for tatica, she is from your region.

There is no ours and yours there is FEDORAs budget in general.


I will open a ticket for FAmSCo, we definitely should find a solution for this kind of over-regional travel to ending such discussions, who pays for it.

br gnokii

it is about future planning and not taking

just my five cents

you can keep them ;)

Zamir SUN
zsun in #fedora-zh #openshift on freenode.net

make me rich, buy my Inkscape book http://is.gd/yq5OD0 ;)