On 23/07/14 14:40, rino wrote:

En conmemoracion del dia del SysAdmin este Viernes 25, se esta jugando el mundial de Distribuciones:


Hoy alentemos todos a Fedora,Red Hat y Centos

CentOS vs Gentoo 12 a 13:30 (ART) 15 a 16:30 (UTC)
Ubuntu vs Red Hat 14 a 15:30 (ART) 17 a 18:30 (UTC)
Fedora vs Arch 16 a 17:30 (ART) 19 a 20:30 (UTC)

Alentemos a nuestras Distros :), a darle like a la foto de cada distro que aparece en la llave de la pagina, eso los lleva al facebook de la organizacion del evento., tengan en cuenta el horario de votacion esta en ART.

fb : https://www.facebook.com/AdminFest?fref=ts

Rondan Rino
Certificado en LPIC-2 
LPI ID:LPI000209832
Verification Code:gbblvwyfxu
Red Hat Certified Engineer -- RHCE -- RHCVA

Cv: http://cv.rinorondan.com.ar
http://counter.li.org  Linux User -> #517918
Viva La Santa Federacion!!
Mueran Los Salvages Unitarios!!
^^^Transcripcion de la epoca ^^^

ambassadors mailing list
Hmmm. it is all very well encouraging use of Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS, but to do a Fedora versus Arch, etc.. ?
I find that a bit counter-productive. Unless you plan on showing the differences, but then the differences should be shown across the board and not on a distro to other distro comparison.

If this is a hostile, we are better than them, kind of thing, then that is very counter productive. Especially as we are all in the same FOSS community and there is no such thing as BETTER. Better is a subjective view, and we all package different components or maintain different bots of code for each and every one of the distributions. Patches from debian make it into Fedora, patches from RHEL make it into Ubuntu, etc.. etc..

The only people that have kind of ruined this relationship, are Oracle, because they wanted to commercialise something they basically have just taken, without giving much back to the FOSS community.




Tristan Santore BSc MBCS
Network and Infrastructure Operations
Mobile +44-78-55069812

Former Thawte Notary
(Please note: Thawte has closed its WoT programme down,
and I am therefore no longer able to accredit trust)

For Fedora related issues, please email me at: