On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:42 PM, Pierros Papadeas <ppapadeas@gmail.com> wrote:

My also very strong +1 . Personal welcomes through private emails
seems like the best way to greet someone you feel like greeting :)

We should consider the Joerg's mail as an automated introduction to
let everyone know that we are happy to have new members.

 What we might consider changing is the first line of the introduction, which now says:

"Let´s welcome our new sponsored Ambassador Group Member:"

Maybe it should say something like:

"The Fedora Project welcomes our new sponsored Ambassador Group Member:" (or "Members" if there is more than one)

The reason to consider a change is that starting the e-mail with "Let's welcome . . ." can be (mis)understood to be an invitation to take action, like to "welcome our new sponsored Ambassador Group Member" by . . . oh, I don't know . . . maybe responding on list?

Just a thought.

Larry Cafiero