On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 7:45 AM, inode0 <inode0@gmail.com> wrote:

One thing I was confused about last night is that the wiki seems to
have booth sign-up for 5 days (July 19-23) while the oscon website


seems to say the expo hall, and I presume that means the Fedora booth,
is open only for 2 days (July 21-22).

That needs to be corrected, which I'll get to today. The wiki was written before the OSCON floor schedule was set.

In addition to the booth I see an unscheduled BoF planned. What are we
doing as ambassadors on the tutorial and other days when the booth
isn't open? Or am I misunderstanding when the booth is open?

The BoF is scheduled for Wednesday at 7. Chances are we aren't doing anything when the booth isn't open which, again, is only two days.

Larry Cafiero