Welcome Sebastian !

On 4/19/07, Sebastian Vahl <ml@deadbabylon.de> wrote:

I'm Sebastian Vahl from Hannover, Germany. I'm 26 years old and studying
Politics, History and Sociology at local university. Inside the Fedora
Project I'm in KDE-SIG and responsible for the kde livecd spin. And I've also
a few packages in Fedora Extras. [1]
Outside the project I'm a moderator in a german webforum (fedoraforum.de),
responsible for a german wiki ( fedorawiki.de) and a german newsside for
fedora (fedorausers.de).
The last point is exactly, why I'm joining as an ambassador. In the last days
I've had extensive conversation with Gerold Kassube about integrating local
forums more into the community (here esp. fedoraforum.de). That's maybe also
a point that was discussed in a ambassadors meeting last year [2]. But I'll
explain that point respectively start this discussion later this week.
Besides this my time is quite limited and so I don't know what to do else
(concerning the open discussion about active/inactive ambassadors ;) ). But
maybe, when I'm getting more familiar, activity will grow. :)
And also: I've been planing to come to LinuxTag. So maybe I could help there
in some points.

In this mail I just want to say: Hi all!


[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SebastianVahl
[2] http://tux.u-strasbg.fr/~chit/FAD/FAD.odp

Fedora-ambassadors-list mailing list

Nayyar Ahmad
RHCE (ID:804006858622745)
Skype: nayyares