
I have a question for all the ambassadors and anyone that looks at the wiki frequently. As a member of the Docs group, we keep an eye on the <a href=https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Pages_that_need_love>pages that need love</a>. I have decided to work on the <a href=https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Conduct>Ambassadors/Conduct</a> page, as I am an Ambassador, too. However I don't want to post anything that does fit with any of our philosophies or practices. So that is why I am coming to the list to ask for your ideas to add. Please give me all the information and ideas that you want and we can figure out how to best word this and take it off the list. By all means I don't have to be the only one the writes this page but as a member of the Docs team I will officially put my name down to work on it.


Will Morris