Something that I would like to see personally is silicone bracelets.

On Mon, Jun 15, 2015 at 8:56 PM, Jiri Eischmann <eischmann@redhat.com> wrote:
Ankur Sinha píše v Čt 11. 06. 2015 v 09:16 +0100:
> Hi everyone!
> So, F22 went out really well!
> I'd like to work towards fresh marketing collateral for the
> ambassadors
> to use. We do have stickers and things, but it's a good time to
> revisit
> everything and redo/add/remove stuff in time for F23, and fedora.next
> in general.
> At the moment, this is what I can find:
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/For_Ambassadors
> What else do the ambassadors think would come handy?
> For example, would product specific flyers be something that can be
> used at events? Should these be release specific like this one:
> https://ankursinha.fedorapeople.org/fedora-flyer-workstation/fedora
> -flyer-workstation-tumble.pdf
> or general "timeless" ones?
> Let us have a brainstorm/discussion here then the marketing and
> design
> teams can take the outcomes and work on them.
> :)

Hi Ankur,
it's a bit sad that you haven't received any reply because we -
ambassadors - have been complaining about lack of marketing materials
for a long time.

What I would definitely like to see are materials with some
content/message. Giving away materials with Fedora logos is fine, it
supports branding, but it doesn't address new users.
I'd love to have something that I can give to someone who stops by our
booth, knows nothing about Fedora, and would like to learn more.
DVDs served well in these situations, but fewer and fewer computers
have DVD drives and they're less and less useful. And we don't have
anything else which we can give them and which make them learn more
about Fedora and give it a try. It's all stickers, badges, pins,...

Flyers are definitely a good idea. I've also been playing with an idea
to make a "Getting Started with Fedora" booklet. It would have 10-20
pages and it would serve as a starting point and would answer questions
like "what is Fedora?", "what can it offer to me?", "where do I get
it?", "how do I install it?", "how can I start using it?",...

BTW release specific flyers is no issue for us in EMEA. I can have them
printed in one day and in any quantities, we're quite flexible in that,
so we can do stuff that will be relevant just for one release.

ambassadors mailing list


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